In scrum, user stories are added to sprints and “burned down” over the duration of the sprint. It’s this work on user stories that help scrum teams get better at estimation and sprint planning, leading to more accurate forecasting and greater agility. Scrum user stories are usually simple...
3. Project Manager drives project schedule from TFS estimates 4. Scrum master drives sprints from the TFS in dashboard. The thing to remember with agile, is most people will try and perfect documentation, but the whole idea of agile is create conversation, trust and quick visibility and deliv... Agile Agile Scrum User Story In Agile ScrumRecommended...
We still have some architect requirements requirement and users stories we have documented as features/requirements. So a user story has a dependency with an architectural requirement for us. For now it works but it might evolve in something else if needed. Remember - it is SCRUM - something t...
In this article today, let us look at the preponderance of user stories, user story examples, and how they help agile teams, and the various types and templates of user stories. What is a User Story in Agile? A user story in Scrum is nothing but a plain and simple explanation of user...
"Why It's Important" 部分的定义是大多数User Story的败笔。这对于经验不够丰富和刚开始接触Scrum的团队来说是真实存在的。最容易犯的错误就是简单地用另一种方式重申“What”。正确的姿势应该如下: 比如: "I want to log in to access my account." 如上所述,其中恰当的 "What" 为 "access my account...
That is, the quality of user stories significantly impacts the outcome of a software project, influencing its success or failure. Therefore, we performed a quantitative evaluation using the OntoQA method, resulting in a relationship richness value of 0.95, an attribute richness of 4.00, and an ...
ScrumUser story estimationPlanning Poker is a light-weight technique for estimating the size of user stories, in face-to-face interaction and discussions. Planning Poker is generally used with Scrum. Planning Poker has a lot odoi:10.1007/978-3-319-56535-4_21Janeth López-Martínez...
User Stories - 最佳实践 (Best Practices) 在转向敏捷之后,很多团队开始使用“用户故事”一词。用户故事是一种简单而优雅的技术,可以收集客户需求。然而,它需要一定的理解和实践才能用User Stories构建出色的软件。 让我们仔细看看用户故事是什么以及如何使用这种技术取得成功。
If the User Story Format is not defined in the Scrum Guide, where does it come from? Origin of the User Story Format The User Story format comes from Extreme Programming, also known as XP. Kent Beck invented it and uses stories (he didn’t call them “user stories”) to describe a ...