什么是SAPCRM⾥的⽤户状态(userstatus)Created by Jerry Wang on Feb 19, 2016 (1) define a new user status profile in customizing below:(2) maintain the status transition relationship. The example below defines the following state transition:a. Created status could only navigate to In process...
这段ABAP 程序的主要作用是从两个 SAP CRM数据表中检索数据,并将符合特定条件的数据插入到一个自定义的数据表中。程序中还包括一些控制逻辑,用于选择符合条件的数据和执行提交操作。 让我详细解释这段程序的功能以及提供一个示例: 程序开始: REPORT zstatus_initial_load.:这一行指定了程序的名称。 类型定义: 在...
User status You define the user statuses in customizing and you can activate ordeactivate them here. 系统状态是系统自带的,只要在在订单类型或者行项目启用就可以使用。User是自己定义的状态。 Eg. System status:系统的;status with NO.:自己定义,带号码段的; statusW/ONO.:自己定义,不带号码段的; Config...
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 *&---* *&Report ZSTATUS_INITIAL_LOAD *&---* *& *&--
(1) define a new user status profile in customizing below: (2) maintain the status transition relationship. The example below defines the following state transition: a. Created status could only navigate to In process status, since its highest range is 20( In process). b. In process status...
First,I create an new Opportunity in WebClientUI, I set the status with E0001( User status). 新建一个Opportunity,将其status 设置成E0001( User status): After I saved the Opportunity, in the DB, I can find both user status E0001 - Open and system status I1002 there. ...
Introduction: To guarantee seamless operations in SAP Plant Maintenance (PM), effective work order management is essential. SAP PM provides the idea of a User Status
用户出口就是SAP中的Customer Exits或者User Exits 什么叫用户出口呢?打个比方说吧,SAP软件就象一根晾衣服的绳子,上面有数不清的衣架,多数衣架上已经挂上了衣服,就些衣服就SAP的标准程序,还有些衣架是空着的,这些就是“用户出口”,你可以把自己做的衣服(比如程序代码)挂到这些衣架上去--如果你觉得SAP给你准备的衣...
SAP PM 入门系列9 – PM模块的User-Exits & BADIs Maintenance plans: User-Exits: IPRM0002 Determine planned date info for maintenance plan IPRM0003 User field: Maintenance plan IPRM0004 Maintenance plan / item: Customer check for time "SAVE" ...
I want to lock all the users in SAP during MTP. I know using SU10 we can do it. Any other alternative ways to lock the users. Is there a way in SAP to unlock a locked user for a limited time, then automatically after x time set the user back to lock status?