邮件群发提示ERR.LOGIN.USERSTATUS ERR.LOGIN.USERSTATUS错误是指发送邮件时遇到了用户状态错误。这通常是由于以下原因引起的: 1. 用户账户异常:可能是由于账户被暂时禁用或违反了邮件发送政策等原因导致账户状态异常。 2. 用户认证失败:可能是由于用户身份验证失败(用户名或密码错误)或者账户被锁定等原因导致认证失败。
使用者 状态 错误 treachery had been going on. Probably for some time; Kenworth's note book appeared well filled. Doubtless he had
"sub_code":"USER_STATUS_ERROR", "sub_msg":"用户状态不可用" }, "sign":"***" } 问题原因 领劵的用户账户不可用。 涉及接口 alipay.marketing.voucher.send(发券接口) 解决方案 领劵的用户账户不可用,如挂失冻结账户未解冻,账户异常未处理等。
User Status Error Former Member 2008 Sep 24 12:42 PM 0 Kudos 1,335 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I am trying to perform some standard opoeration in the TCode : CMS_WB and I am getting the error message as below: === User status Sequ must not be deleted Mess...
{'status': true, 'error': operationalerror(1045, "access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: yes)"), 'msg': '异常', 'db_status': false} 以下是对该问题的详细分析和解决方案: 1. 确认错误类型 错误响应中的error字段显示这是一个operationalerror,错误代码为1045。 2. 分析错误...
Check Status of User Profile Service Step 1. Press Win + R to open the Run dialogue box. Type in msc and click OK. Step 2. Look for User Profile Service and right-click it to start Step 3. From the dropdown menu, choose Automatic in Startup type. Step 4. Check if the login ...
The thought that he had not accomplished the duty laid out for him pained the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanmanworkstation\Parameters The following lists the translated error code numbers to status codes and to the verbatim error messages that are mentioned earlier: error 5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIE...