從圖上可以看到,qemu中處於guest kernel層的virtio net與qemu的virtio net通訊,qemu的virtio net最後與系統kernel層的tap通訊。中間經歷了多次user space和kernel space的切換,並且使用的是系統預設的驅動,還有大量的中斷處理,所以效能不高。 Vhost protocol 由於上面方案的侷限性,vhost提出了改進,就是把消耗效能的模組...
从图上可以看到,qemu中处于guest kernel层的virtio net与qemu的virtio net通信,qemu的virtio net最后与系统kernel层的tap通信。中间经历了多次user space和kernel space的切换,并且使用的是系统默认的驱动,还有大量的中断处理,所以性能不高。 Vhost protocol 由于上面方案的局限性,vhost提出了改进,就是把消耗性能的模块,...
ssh telnet smtp, http, etc). The port names are the same as you can see when using thenetstat command line tool. FreeFixer will also show the process ID, the file name, and other information about the process and
【漏洞预警】CVE-2022-2588:Linux Kernel 权限提升漏洞(Dirtycred) 01 隔离Docker 容器中的用户 笔者在前文《理解 docker 容器中的 uid 和 gid》介绍了 docker 容器中的用户与宿主机上用户的关系,得出的结论是:docker 默认没有隔离宿主机用户和容器中的用户。如果你已经了解了 Linux 的 user namespace 技术(参考...
A user-mode port of the Linux kernel The Linux kernel has been ported so that it runs on itself, in a set of Linux processes. The result is a user space virtual machine using simulated hardware constructed from services provided by the host kernel. A Linux virtual machine i... J Dike ...
Fix spelling of “GitHub” in docs and history (#4322) Reorganize and cleanup the Gemfile, shorten required depends. (#4318) Remove script/rebund. (#4341) Implement codeclimate platform (#4340) Remove ObjectSpace dumping and start using inherited, it’s faster. (#4342) Add script/travis so...
kernel/proc/sys/kernel/global kernel information / miscellaneous settings net/proc/sys/net/networking settings sunrpc/proc/sys/sunrpc/SUN Remote Procedure Call settings user/proc/sys/user/user namespace limits vm/proc/sys/vm/memory management tuning buffer and cache management settings ...
Check the IP address of the development board and access the PC through the network: adb connect + IP adb shell Note: AIO-3399-JD4 / AIO-3399J needs to modify kernel/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchiprk3399-firefly-aiojd4.dts to support the use of ADB, set usbdrd_dwc3_0 to peripheral...
You will be asked how much space you want to allocate to it. The installer will then shrink a partition and take care of everything for you. Post-installation your computer will have a boot screen from which you'll be able to boot all your operating systems. – If you choose to ...
- What I did Allow running dockerd in an unprivileged user namespace (rootless mode). Close #37375 No SETUID/SETCAP binary is required, except newuidmap and newgidmap. For Kubernetes integration, p...