与 用在网页上都能使字体加粗,二者的不同是:是物理元素 ;是逻辑元素。 物理元素强调的是一种...
其中文翻译为"钩子”.在编程中, 钩子表示一个可以允许编程者插入自定义程序的地方,通常是打包好的程序...
staticintenv_setup_vm(structEnv *e){inti;structPageInfo*p=NULL;// Allocate a page for the page directoryif(!(p = page_alloc(ALLOC_ZERO)))return-E_NO_MEM;// Now, set e->env_pgdir and initialize the page directory./// Hint:// - The VA space of all envs is identical above UT...
unsigned long sp, void dump_thread(struct pt_regs * regs, struct user * dump) { int i; + u16 gs; /* changed the size calculations - should hopefully work better. lbt */ dump->magic = CMAGIC; @@ -538,23 +539,23 @@ void dump_thread(struct pt_regs * regs, struct user * dump...
staticvoidtrap_dispatch(structTrapframe *tf){// Handle processor exceptions.// LAB 3: Your code here.switch(tf->tf_trapno) {caseT_BRKPT:monitor(tf);return;caseT_PGFLT:page_fault_handler(tf);return;caseT_SYSCALL: tf->tf_regs.reg_eax =syscall(tf->tf_regs.reg_eax, tf->tf_regs.reg...
{ /*...*/ /* Restore LEDs to initial state after blinking (continuously show green) */ } /*...*/ } LSA_VOID EDDF_LOCAL_FCT_ATTR _EDDF_GEN_ReadPhyStatusRegs(/*...*/) { phyConfig_t phyConfig; EDDF_ASSERT_FALSE((LSA_HOST_PTR_ARE_EQUAL(pLinkStatus, LSA_NULL))); // Check ...
__valu_in_regs struct __initial_stackheap __user_initial_stackheap(unsinged R0, unsigned SP, unsgined R2) 用法: __user_initial_stackheap 返回这些值: 1. 堆基址(heap base) ---> RO 2. 栈基址(stack base,一般为栈的最高地址) ---> R1 ...
error_code保存的是出错码,(error_code & 4) == 0代表产生异常的原因是在内核中.它调用fixup_exception(regs)来处理这个问题.既然出错了,那么如何来修复它呢?先看下fixup_exception()函数的实现: [arch/asm-i386/mm/extable.c] int fixup_exception(struct pt_regs *regs) ...
structshm_file_data{intid;structipc_namespace*ns;structfile*file;conststructvm_operations_struct*vm_ops;}; 其中我们可以读取的ns域刚好指向内核 .text 段,由此我们可以泄露出内核基址 我们可以在通过shmget系统调用创建共享内存之后通过shmat系统调用获得该结构体,通过shmdt我们可以释放该结构体 ...
size_t swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode = 0xffffffff81600a34; void *userfault_hijack_handler(void *arg) { struct uffd_msg msg; unsigned long uffd = (unsigned long)arg; struct pollfd pollfd; int nready; pollfd.fd = uffd; ...