在Windows 11 中,用户配置文件(User Profile)是存储与用户帐户相关的个人设置、桌面配置、应用程序数据、文档、桌面图标等信息的文件夹。用户配置文件使得每个用户的环境和设置保持一致,允许用户在不同计算机上使用相同的设置和文件。 用户配置文件的基本概念 本地配置文件(Local Profile): 这类配置文件会在本机计算机上...
2. 使用快捷键“Win+R”打开“运行”,然后输入“services.msc”。 3. 在“服务(本地)”中找到“User Profile Service”。 4. 右键点击“User Profile Service”点击“重新启动”,然后再次右键点击“User Profile Service”,点击“属性”,然后将启动类型设置为“自动”。 5. 点击“应用”、“确定”,重启电脑查...
这个问题可能与 Windows 11 的 User Profile Service(用户配置文件服务)有关。这个服务负责管理用户的配置文件,包括用户的首选项、设置和应用程序数据等。在某些情况下,这个服务可能会出现故障,导致登录失败。以下是一些建议,帮助您解决这个问题:重启电脑:如您所述,重启几次后问题可能消失,这说明故...
1、还是在这个目录中,右键点击“S-1-5-xx-xxxxx”选择“删除”。 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList 2、重启电脑,登录原先账户便会自动创建一个新的用户配置文件。 当你使用注册表编辑器解决user profile service服务未能登录问题后,虽然电脑可以正常使用了,但是修改注册表会...
“In order to create a new user account with admin privileges on the Windows 10 system, I deleted the old user profile and its respective folder on the Windows 10 system and enabled the “Keep Files” option. After creating a new Windows 10 user profile, I checked the backup copy of the...
As one department (~170 persons) are in a transition to move to another department on new Windows 11 PCs I would like to move, not only relevant documents but preferably, the entire user profiles with them. Most of their functions will remain the same.…
Reboot Windows 11. Set username and password for Ubuntu. Problem: Following these steps, I experience an error message stating"the Windows User Profile Service cannot access the user profile" every time I turn on my PC after a fresh boot. ...
Part 1. Restore Deleted User Profile in Windows 10 (3 Methods) Part 2. Tips to Protect Valuable User Profile and System How Do I Restore Deleted User Profile in Windows 10/11 "Hi guys, do you know how to recover a deleted User Profile in Windows 10? My mom accidentally deleted my us...
然后 依次选择 SOFEWARE->Microsoft->Windows NT->CurrentVersion->ProfileList 点击 右侧画面 这个是全的,如果不全 鼠标点击ProfileList右键新建就好了 注意下面四项都是选择 可扩充字符串值 然后关闭注册表 重启就可以了。 如果是修改了其他地方的话,通过这个方法打开注册表编辑器之后再修改回去之后重启 ...
Is there any user profile wizard to migrate all user profiles and settings to a new domain? Check to see three user profile migration tool, including USMT, EaseUS Todo PCTrans and Profwiz.