$login = $client->adminInitiateAuth([ 'AuthFlow' => 'ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH', 'AuthParameters' => [ 'USERNAME' => $email, 'PASSWORD' => $password, 'SECRET_HASH' => $hash_key, ], 'ClientId' => $clientId, 'UserPoolId' => $poolId, ]); Share Improve this answer Follow answer...
这样写可以正常打印getdata success 但是如果我们给getData传入的参数不是1,getData会返回一个reject的...
我考虑先将程序和MySql导入到本地的Ubuntu虚拟机中进行测试,然后重装服务器进行迁移。但是在环境的配置是,发现了一个问题,就是在Ubuntu重启后,本地站点打开php站点phpMyAdmin会出现502错误,通过多次尝试,发现主要可能是一下几个问题,也算是列举下nginx 502错误的解决方法。 --- Q1:php.ini的memo ...
UserPoolId The user pool ID for the user pool you want to describe. Type: String Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 55. Pattern:[\w-]+_[0-9a-zA-Z]+ Required: Yes Response Syntax {"UserPoolClient":{"AccessTokenValidity":number, "AllowedOAuthFlows": [ "string...
UserPoolClientName The client name that was specified via theuserPoolClientNameproperty during initialization, throws an error otherwise. UserPoolClientSecret The generated client secret. Methods FromUserPoolClientId(Construct, String, String) Import a user pool client given its id. ...
Client ID Google Analytics(分析)默认识别用户的标识。 Client ID 是访客首次访问网站的时候由Google Analytics(分析)库随机生成的一个唯一字符串,用作伪匿名标识符,以匿名方式标识浏览器实例。Client ID 由随机数+时间戳组成,如下所示, Client ID 代表的是一个匿名设备或浏览器的实例,默认情况下,Google Analytics...
I have a springboot API (with out user login) which uses AWS cognito to authorize the application. I need to get the user pool app client name along with the client id as part of the bearer token. I am bringing in the bearer token and decoding it with jwt dec...
; code = 'EmailNotDeliverableException'; return; } } // check with the cognito pool to see if the username is already registered var payload = { ClientId: APP_CLIENT_ID, ConfirmationCode: '0000', Username: email, /* required */ }; console.log('payload for cognito check'); console....
Spring security怎么选择的clientId spring security user,SpringSecuritySpringSecurity简介概要Spring是非常流行和成功的Java应用开发框架,SpringSecurity正是Spring家族中的成员。SpringSecurity基于Spring框架,提供了一套Web应用安全性的完整解决方案。正如你可能知
ClientId 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Microsoft.Azure.Management.ServiceFabricManagedClusters.Models 程序集: Microsoft.Azure.Management.ServiceFabricManagedClusters.dll 包: Microsoft.Azure.Management.ServiceFabricManagedClusters v1.0.0 获取用户分配标识的客户端 ID。 C# 复制 [Newtonsof...