RequirePasswordResetForNextLogin boolean 否 用户下次登录时是否需要重置密码。取值: True:需要重置。 False(默认值):不需要重置。 False 返回参数 名称类型描述示例值 object 返回结果。 NewPassword string 新密码。 说明 该参数仅在系统自动生成密码时显示。 W2koInFIm0Wy2wVZ$oB)MzD$nY!G*** RequestId string...
调用ResetUserPassword重置指定实例下指定坐席的登录密码。实际上坐席并没有登录密码,修改的是坐席关联的RAM账户的登录密码,通常用于客服忘记自己的RAM账户登录密码的场景。 调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。 调试 授权信息 当前API...
dsmod user <UserDN> -pwd <NewPassword> -mustchpwd {yes|no} ParameterDescription <UserDN> Specifies the distinguished name of the user for which the password will be reset. -pwd Sets the <NewPassword>. <NewPassword> Specifies the password that will replace the current user password. ...
To reset a user password by using a command lineTo open a command prompt, click Start , click Run , type cmd , and then click OK . To open a command prompt in Windows Server 2012, click Start , type cmd , and then click OK . Type the following command, and then press ENTER: ...
When users forget their password, you can reset it. Resetting their password allows them to get a new temporary password, at which time they’ll have to create a new password for their Managed Apple Account. Create sign-in information or reset a password for a single user In Apple Business...
When users forget their password, you can reset it. Resetting their password allows them to get a new temporary password, at which time they’ll have to create a new password for their Managed Apple Account. Create sign-in information or reset a password for a single user In Apple Business...
生成合作伙伴用户并没有特殊要求,但是直接重置密码会发生以下错误 “无法重置一个或多个外部用户的密码,因为外部用户不属于任何已启用社区。”“Passwords for one or more external users were unable to be reset because the ext
Choose Reset password at the bottom of the page. A confirmation screen appears with a temporary password. Copy the temporary password and send it to the new user. The temporary password won't be accessible after you leave the screen. When the user first signs in, they'll be prompted to ...
如果你用的是 Mac 电脑,也别怕。开机后按住 Command+R 进入恢复模式,选择“实用工具”>“Terminal”,输入“resetpassword”命令,按照提示修改密码即可。总之,无论是 Windows 还是 Mac,忘了密码都不是什么大问题。跟着这些简单的步骤,你就能轻松解决电脑忘记密码的困扰。记得要定期备份文件,免得出了问题找不回...
To reset a user password by using a command line To open a command prompt, click Start , click Run , type cmd , and then click OK . To open a command prompt in Windows Server 2012, click Start , type cmd , and then click OK . Type the following command, and then press ENTER: ...