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It is recommended that the PC be connected to the LAN port of the SmartLogger. Set the IP address for the PC on the same network segment as the SmartLogger IP address. Connected Port Item SmartLogger Default Value Example PC Setting LAN port IP address ...
While malware could present an imitation of the secure desktop, this issue can't occur unless a user previously installed the malware on the PC. Because processes requiring an administrator access token can't silently install when UAC is enabled, the user must explicitly provide consent by selec...
I tried reinstalling Torch but the system kept freezing on me when it tried to download and intall the torch+cu118 (but it worked fine on my windows installation of Python so I knew it wasn't a problem with my PC). Anyway, one of two things ended up fixing the issue (not so sure ...
If Ollama is on your computer, use this command: docker run -d -p 3000:8080 --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always ...
In order to protect GWENT, GWENT users and ourselves, CD PROJEKT RED reserves the right if really necessary to reject any user account if it would breach this GWENT User Agreement or other legal rules linked to in this document. You will need a GOG user account to play GWENT on PC. If...
The main contributions of this article include: (1) In the process of collecting and publishing the location data, introduce into the privacy protection method, (2) The differential privacy algorithm based on the trajectory prefix tree is superimposed on the basis of the false position replacement...
Forefront TMG maintains a bitmask that specifies which services need to be started for currently unsaved changes to take effect. This bitmask can be retrieved by calling theGetServiceRestartMaskmethod on an object that contains this object as a subobject. Calling theSavemethod clears all of the ...
This article helps to determine if your current Windows account is a configured as a Standard user, or as an Administrator account. More Information On Windows-based operating systems, your user account type controls what tasks you can perform on your computer, in some cases you ma...
– Connect to the iBMC serial port from a PC, and query the IP address on the CLI. – Connect to the BIOS using a KVM and query the iBMC IP address. iBMC Users The iBMC supports the following two types of users: ● Local users: The iBMC supports a maximum of 16 local users. The...