AADSTS120020PasswordChangeFailure AADSTS120021PartnerServiceSsprInternalServiceError AADSTS130004NgcKeyNotFound - 未为用户主体配置 NGC ID 密钥。 AADSTS130005NgcInvalidSignature - NGC 密钥签名验证失败。 AADSTS130006NgcTransportKeyNotFound - 设备上未配置 NGC 传输密钥。
Key negotiation fails (mismatch between the PMK and PMKR1Name). 密钥协商失败(PMK和PMKR1Name不匹配)。 请检查密钥是否正确或尝试重新上线。如果故障仍存在,联系技术支持人员。 Key negotiation fails (the type is not FTIE). 密钥协商失败(不是FTIE类型)。 请检查密钥是否正确或尝试重新上线。如果故障仍存在...
Hi everybody I'm trying to use FSLogix with an storage account but it's not working.I follow the documentation on Microsoft docs but still unable to use...
IwlanTunnelNotFound IwlanUnauthenticatedEmergencyNotSupported IwlanUserUnknown LimitedToIpv4 LimitedToIpv6 LlcSndcp LocalEnd LocationAreaNotAllowed LostConnection LowerLayerRegistrationFailure LowPowerModeOrPoweringDown LteNasServiceRequestFailed LteThrottlingNotRequired MacFailure MatchAllRuleNotAllowed MaxAccessProbe ...
Detailed error description: The password was not allowed An error occurred while assigning a value to a variable. An Integration Services class cannot be found. Make sure that Integration Services is correctly installed on the computer that is running the application. Also, make sure that the 64...
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.MSZ | ERROR | eam-0 | VcConnection.java | 179 | Failed to login to vCenter as extension. vCenter has probably not loaded the EAM extension.xml yet.: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password. ...
Deleted pooling-related parameters and descriptions because the configuration is not supported. Added the parameter description for the "Module quantity mismatch 4" alarm. Updated the description about checking the pressure gauge in the "Routine Maintenance" section. Added the description about the end ...
invalidPassword.jsp Informs the user that the password entered does not contain enough characters. invalid_domain.jsp Informs the user that there is no such domain. Login.jsp This is a Login/Password template. login_denied.jsp Informs the user that no profile has been found in this domain. ...
Not found Incorrect bucket name Enter correct name of the bucket that is configured on the storage SSL connection error SSL certificate expiry or verification error Verify the SSL certificate Invalid HTTPS URL Re-enter correct HTTPS URL of the...
MAC checking occurs only on packets from IP addresses on networks that are directly attached to the ASA. VPN users are not checked. Track User Not Found Whether to enable user-not-found tracking. By default, the option is dis...