ubuntu/linux Sorry, user xxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/su' as root on Internal. 创建了新账号,使用sudo提示错误信息: Sorry, user xxxisnotallowed to execute'/bin/su'as root on Internal. 解决办法: 检查vim /etc/sudoers中 ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL书写正确 root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL 修改/etc...
Re: Sorry, user is not allowed to execute '/bin/mkdir 1' as root on localhost « Reply #1 on: September 08, 2012, 09:41:04 PM » Well, it has to be one of a few things. Permissions for the command itself, which I think would result in another error. Command is not in ...
ubuntu/linux Sorry, user xxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/su' as root on Internal. 创建了新账号,使用sudo提示错误信息: Sorry, user xxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/su' as root on Internal. 解决办法: 检查vim /etc/sudoers中 ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL书写正确 root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL ...
ubuntu/linux Sorry, user xxx is not allowed to execute '/bin/su' as root on Internal 2018-08-14 10:34 −... 小和尚我不念经 0 6610 Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL 2019-12-20 15:32 −今天买了的百度BCC云服务器,兴冲冲的就去服务器上装IIS,还有MySQL,IIS很顺利就装上...
SUDO returns a list of allowed command: Raw $ sudo -l User bob may run the following commands on host: (root) su - jane When userbobruns the command, below error is returned: Raw $ sudo su - jane Sorry, user bob is not allowed to execute '/bin/su - jane' as root on host.exa...
I want to install update the packages first, so I am logged into the VM as a normal user (ubuntut) and execute like this: sudo apt-get update -y As you can see, I have executed a sudo command when I am logged in as the ubuntu user but not as a root user. So above command...
> ERROR:root:Error: 524 User is not enabled to execute commands as root. User root is not enabled to execute commands as root. bertinAugust 17, 2023, 1:43pm2 Ok. So on a hunch, I decided to add a user ...
If the number of servers to be configured in batches exceeds 200, you are advised to configure 100 servers first and then configure more the rest in batches. During the process, do not perform operations such as power-on, power-off, and restart on servers. After BIOSs are configured ...
message:Got exception: org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException Permission denied: user=root,...
1) I'm not able to use sudo: ➜ ~ sudo vi Password: Sorry, user peter is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/vi' as root on Peters-MacBook-Pro.local. ➜ ~ 2) Can't enable root user. Directory Utility -> Edit -> Enable root user -> Enter root password -> Confirm root pass...