用户研究现状调查是在问卷调查平台SurveyMonkey 中创建的,我们将调查分发给UserInterviews的每周通讯、最新观点、社交媒体账号的订阅者,以及 LinkedIn、Facebook 和 Slack 上的用户体验和用户研究小组的订阅者。我们团队的成员,以及用户体验研究社区的朋友也在他们的专业网络中分享了这项调查。 在8 天(2022 年 1 月...
编者按:2020年疫情期间,UXTOOLS翻译和发布了来自用户研究平台提供商User Interviews的《2020用户研究现状报告》,收到很多国内用户研究同行的关注,成为UXTOOLS在2020年最受欢迎的内容之一。2021年,User Interviews发布了新版的《2021用户研究现状报告》,在User Interviews内容总监凯特琳娜·巴尔波尼(Katryna Balboni)的邀请下,...
Lastly, user interviews are simple to conduct. Whether they are structured interviews or semi-structured interviews, all that needs to be done is form questions ahead of time, interview a user and record their answers. No special training is required. What are the disadvantages of user interviews?
"I would recommend this product to anyone!" Phil Gordon Head of UX Research at SkillShare "Fast, cheap, effective. User Interviews is everything I need and nothing I don't. I love it and recommend it to everyone!" Michelle Avelis Sr. Design Researcher at REI...
【美国】用户研究及招聘平台User Interviews获得了2750万美元B轮融资 近期,总部位于纽约的用户研究及招聘平台User Interviews获得了2750万美元B轮融资。该轮融资由Sageview Capital领投,Teamworthy,Accomplice,Las Olas VC,Trestle Partners,ValueStream,ERA的Remarkable Ventures和FJ Labs参投。该公司打算利用这笔资金通过研...
据外媒TechCrunch报道,主打用户调研解决方案的初创公司「User Interviews」近期宣布获得2750万美元的B轮融资,由Sageview Capital领投,Teamworthy、Accomplice、Las Olas VC、Trestle Ventures、ValueStream、ERA的Remarkable Ventures、FJ Labs跟投。 本轮后,该公司累计融资总额将达到4500万美元。该公司计划利用这笔资金“加速...
User Interviews是一个市场调研服务平台,可为企业用户提供产品市场测试、概念设计调查、决策支持等服务。User Interviews近期宣布获得2750万美元的B轮融资,由Sageview Capital领投,Teamworthy、Accomplice、Las Olas VC、Trestle Ventures、ValueStream、ERA的Remarkable Ventures、FJ Labs跟投。
User Interviews specializes in user research recruiting and panel management within the user experience (UX) research sector. The company offers a platform that facilitates the sourcing and management of participants for various research studies, as well as tools to automate the research process. User...
Maze vs. User Interviews Mazeis another all-in-one research solution, offering both participant recruitment and management, along withquantitative and qualitative researchtests. In terms of breadth of functionality, it is more powerful than User Interviews. Again, it’s not exactly a like vs. li...
User interviews are one of the most flexible and adaptable methods—they are powerful tools for uncovering new opportunities and generating ideas during the discovery phase, complement bothqualitative and quantitative evaluative methods, and can be used in conjunction with ongoing listening continuous metho...