一般情况下view中userName:@User.Identity.Name 一般显示为空,如果没有登陆界面,要显示默认用户名步骤如下: 1.在最外层web.config <appSettings> 中添加节点 <add key="enableSimpleMembership" value="false"> 2.选中当前项目 按 F4 将 Anonymous Authentication 改为: Disable 和 Windows Authentication 改为: En...
VS中运行时通过User.Identity.Name能取到用户名,发布到IIS上后,该值为空。 调查后发现在网站设定→【认证】中同时打开了【Windows认证】和【匿名认证】, 关掉【匿名认证】后就能正常取到windows用户名了。 【liujiajia.me】!
_identity.AddClaim(new Claim("DisplayName", user.DisplayName)); return _identity; } 登录代码: public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel loginViewModel) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var _user = userService.Find(loginViewModel.UserName); if (_user == null) ModelState.AddModelError("UserName", "...
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated=false; HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name=="" 解释:当用户登录时,服务器为确认客户端通过验证要通过cookie向客户端写验证(Authenticat)信息,在登录页面刚验证完成后服务器还没有把cookie 回发到Client,所以会没有值,当服务器第二次Response的时候,就会从客户端...
User.Identity.Name is null Asp.Net MVC - Delete records from multiple tables with foreign key constraint ASP.NET MVC - Form Returns Null Model Unless Model is Wrapped in a Custom ViewModel Asp.net mvc - how to retrieve SOAP Headers values in c# client ASP.NET MVC - how to set a ...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/430704/why-is-user-as-in-user-identity-name-null-in-my-abstract-base-controller Sunday, March 14, 2010 1:02 PM I have tried by making this just after login but still the userName is still Null.
public final class UserIdentity implements JsonSerializable<UserIdentity>The definition of the user identity under which the task is run. Specify either the userName or autoUser property, but not both.Constructor Summary 展開資料表 ConstructorDescription UserIdentity() Creates an instance of User...
name.formatted String emails[type eq "work"].value String emails[type eq "home"].value String emails[type eq "other"].value String 在“映射”部分下,选择“预配 Microsoft Entra ID 组”。 在“属性映射”部分,查看从 Microsoft Entra ID 同步到 GitHub Enterprise Managed User (...