SAP ABAP 用户出口(User Exits) 如果标准 SAP 提取器不提供预期数据或所需功能,例如在授权或时间检查中,则在提取中使用用户出口(User Exits)。用户出口通常用于销售和分销(SD)模块。SAP 在销售、运输、运输和计费领域提供了许多出口。当标准 SAP 无法满足所有要求时,用户出口可以进行一些更改。
用户出口就是SAP中的Customer Exits或者User Exits 什么叫用户出口呢?打个比方说吧,SAP软件就象一根晾衣服的绳子,上面有数不清的衣架,多数衣架上已经挂上了衣服,就些衣服就SAP的标准程序,还有些衣架是空着的,这些就是“用户出口”,你可以把自己做的衣服(比如程序代码)挂到这些衣架上去--如果你觉得SAP给你准备的衣...
USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP SAPLV60A RV60AFZZ This user exit allows you to copy additional fields for pricing in the TKOMP communication structure (item fields), which have not been provided in the standard SAP system. These fields can also be used for pricing. This user exit is describe...
SAPAmerica TOP10SDUserexits 1.APPENDStructures2.UserScreensinSalesOrderProcessing3.DeterminingSalesOrdersFields4.AddNewFieldsforPricing5.PricingProcedureUserexits6.ATPPlantSelection7.PartnerforCustomer/MaterialInfoRecord8.SalesDocument“Save”Userexits9.PricingTypewith“NewPricing”10.Influencing“NewPricing”R ...
SAP PM 入门系列9 – PM模块的User-Exits & BADIs Maintenance plans: User-Exits: IPRM0002 Determine planned date info for maintenance plan IPRM0003 User field: Maintenance plan IPRM0004 Maintenance plan / item: Customer check for time "SAVE" ...
SAP PM 入门系列9 – PM模块的User-Exits & BADIs Maintenance plans: User-Exits: IPRM0002 Determine planned date info for maintenance plan IPRM0003 User field: Maintenance plan IPRM0004 Maintenance plan / item: Customer check for time "SAVE" ...
ABAP developercan find alist of user exitsused for anySAP program or transaction codeusingSMODtransaction. If you know the program name, launch SE38 and check the package name that the program is created in. Actually there are numerous ways to learn the program name or the transaction code ...
USEREXIT_PRINT_HEAD (Modulpool SAPLV61A, Programm RV61AFZB) Printing the header line of a billing document can be supplemented or changed. User exits in program RV60AFZD Short descriptions of the user exits are contained in the program: USEREXIT_RELI_XVBPAK_AVBPAK USEREXIT_NEWROLE_XVBPAK...
User EXITS: Figure109: User Exits : Building an SAP Module Pool A module pool is organized as a collection of include programs. This is particularly good for making the program easier to understand. The organization is similar to that of function groups. In particular, the naming convention by...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility the user-exits that you mentioned trigger for every item that needs pricing on the sales order. I am looking for some exit that triggers exactly once before the pricing procedure is executed. Thanks, Nag' Reply Former Member 2006 Dec 12 6:04 PM ...