问题一: 在MV50AFZ1这个出口的子程序FORM USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE.中进行了一些控制,当VL01N创建交货单点击保存的时候检查行项目的信息,如果有问题给出TYPE 'E'的红灯错误,一般有错误提醒的时候,整个页面是不可编辑的状态,但是双击或者点击其他视图的话,页面又是可编辑了,这个时候用户把出现红灯错误的行...
针对SD 模块,有一个专门管理 user-exit 的开发包 VMOD , 只要用tcode: se80 查看它, 会发现绝大部分的 SD 要相关的 user-exit 都能在这找到。
针对SD 模块,有一个专门管理 user-exit 的开发包 VMOD , 只要用tcode: se80 查看它, 会发现绝大部分的 SD 要相关的 user-exit 都能在这找到。
在本例中,我们可以使用USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE方法。 接下来,我们需要在USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE方法中编写 ABAP 代码。代码示例如下: FORMUSEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE.DATA:lv_net_valueTYPEkonv-kwert.LOOPATxkomvWHEREkposn='000000'.lv_net_value=xkomv-kwert.ENDLOOP.IFlv_net_valueGT1000...
ABAP. Hola a Todos. Tengo un problema al utilizar el user Exit EXIT_SAPLMEREQ_010. Include: ZXM02U12. el problema es el siguiente: Necesito que cuando se grabe
For Role Administration in the SAP J2EE Engine, you can use the Visual Administrator and UME administration console; the one to use depends on the user store and data source you implement for user management: ▪ For UME with ABAP: Use UME User Management or Visual Administrator. ▪ For ...
ExitStandby PutLifecycleHook PutNotificationConfiguration PutScalingPolicy PutScheduledUpdateGroupAction RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat ResumeProcesses SetDesiredCapacity SetInstanceHealth SetInstanceProtection SuspendProcesses TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup UpdateAutoScalingGroup Szenarien Erstellen und Verwalten eines ...
Once you are logged on to the system for a particular project, you remain logged on for this project until you exit the Eclipse-based IDE or close the project. Creating BW Projects Before you start working with modeling in the Eclipse-based IDE, you first need to create a BW ...
User Exit ..You can use BADI 'BOM_UPDATE' which has a method called CHANGE_AT_SAVE. I have worked on thi
[FAILED] $ sudo systemctl status network.service network.service - LSB: Bring up/down networking Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/network) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2014-08-15 22:31:20 EDT; 43s ago Process: 2641 ExecStart=/etc/rc.d/init.d/network start (code...