GRANTSELECTONdatabase_name.table_nameTO'mysql.infoschema'@'localhost'; 问题二:执行CREATE USER 'mysql.infoschema'@'localhost';时出现 ERROR 1726 (HY000): Storage engine 'MyISAM' does not support system tables. [mysql.db] 异常原因:"mysql.db"系统表的存储引擎和mysql指定的存储引擎不一致; 解决办法...
HTTP Status Code: 202; Backend Error: yes; Error Text: User does not have the sufficient authorizations; I created in Frontend in transaction PFCG a role, which contains the SAP Fiori Tile Group, the service (which is active), and the SAP Fiori Tile Catalog. I notice...
Another important step is to verify every input. When a user does not exist, Caps Lock and defective keys shouldn't be overlooked. TheUserdoes not existoraccountdoes not existerroris usually encountered when auseris trying to gain access to his/her Microsoftaccount. It also occurs when an at...
GRANTSELECTONdatabase_name.table_nameTO'mysql.infoschema'@'localhost'; 问题二:执行CREATE USER 'mysql.infoschema'@'localhost';时出现 ERROR 1726 (HY000): Storage engine 'MyISAM' does not support system tables. [mysql.db] 异常原因:"mysql.db"系统表的存储引擎和mysql指定的存储引擎不一致; 解决办法...
如果您使用<YourTenantNameOrID>,則來自其他組織的用戶無法存取應用程式。 您必須將這些使用者新增為要求中所指定租使用者中的來賓。 在此情況下,驗證應該只會在您的租用戶上執行。 如果您預期使用者使用與另一個租使用者或身分識別提供者的同盟...
For more information, see What does USMT migrate?Resolution: In an offline migration, these system settings must be restored manually.The ScanState tool fails with return code 26Cause: A common cause of return code 26 is that a temp profile is active on the source computer. This profile ...
Solved: I'm having a problem with User exit code that does not execute yet seems to be set up correctly. The User exit is implemented as FM "EXIT_SAPLIPW1_001"
By default, redirection based on the status code 302 is disabled for Portal authentication. (Optional) Run portal https-redirect blacklist { ip start-ip-address [ end-ip-address ] | ipv6 start-ipv6-address [ to end-ipv6-address ] } An address or...
By default, redirection based on the status code 302 is disabled for Portal authentication. (Optional) Run portal https-redirect blacklist { ip start-ip-address [ end-ip-address ] | ipv6 start-ipv6-address [ to end-ipv6-address ] } An address or...
AADSTS50020: User account '' from identity provider {IdentityProviderURL} does not exist in tenant {ResourceTenantName}. When an administrator reviews the sign-in logs on the home tenant, a "90072" error code entry indicates a sign-in failu...