问题描述云数据库RDS SQL Server实例登录报错,报错如下:cannot open user default database.Login failed.问题原因RDS SQL Server登录用户对应的默认数据库下没有关联的用户。SELECT sp.name AS LoginName,...
//首先,要建立一个可变数组来存储 NSDate对象Model*student=[[Model alloc]init];//下面进行的是对student对象的 name , studentNumber ,sex 的赋值student.name=@"微微一笑很倾城";student.age=111111;//将student类型变为NSData类型NSData*data=[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:student];NSUserDefaults*...
完全可以删除。C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\360se6\User Data\Default\Cache\data_1路径下不但可以删除,它之上的路径C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\360se6都可以删除。这些文件一般都为临时文件,时间长了会占用系统空间,导致系统变慢。除了以上路径外,其实还有系统的一些冗余文件和...
iBMC management network port data IP address and subnet mask IP address: Subnet mask: iBMC login data User name and password For the default user name, seeTaiShan Server Account List. For the default password, seeTaiShan Server Account List. ...
Default Value iBMC management network port data IP address and subnet masks IP address: Subnet mask: iBMC login data User name and password For the default user name, see TaiShan Server Account List. For the default password, see TaiShan Server Account List. BI...
Note Previously it was possible to copy profiles by using the System Control Panel item. This copy to default profile option is now disabled as it could add data that made the profile unusable.Step3: Prepare a user accountAs a domain administrator, open the Active Directory Users and Computer...
If the data type of a field is Boolean and its value istrue, set it as "true". Request parameters productCodeStringREQUIRED The payment product that the merchant can use, based on the contract between the merchant andAntom. For User-presented Mode Payment, the value is fixed asIN_STORE_PA...
- (IBAction)saveData:(UIButton *)sender { //获取NSUserDefaults对象 NSUserDefaults* defaults =[NSUserDefaultsstandardUserDefaults]; //保存数据(如果设置数据之后没有同步,会在将来某一时间点自动将数据保存到preferences文件夹下面) [defaults setObject:@"李四"forKey:@"name"]; ...