UserAssignedIdentity public UserAssignedIdentity() Creates an instance of UserAssignedIdentity class.Method Details clientId public UUID clientId() Get the clientId property: The client ID of the assigned identity. Returns: the clientId value....
user_assigned_identity str 使用者指派受控識別的完整 Azure 資源識別碼,通常格式為 「/subscriptions/12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234-1234567890ab/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/myId」 #pylint: disable=line-too-long,應該已指派給搜尋服務。 必...
VmSubnet: a subnet for a jump-box virtual machine used to connect to the (private) AKS cluster and for the private endpoints. Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities: a user-defined managed identity used by the AKS cluster to create additional resources like load b...
在包含资源防护的安全租户中,转到“Privileged Identity Management”(在 Azure 门户的搜索栏中搜索此项),然后转到“Azure 资源”(在左侧菜单的“管理”下)。 选择要针对其分配“备份 MUA 操作员”角色的资源(资源防护或包含订阅/RG)。 如果在资源列表中没有看到相应的资源,请确保添加要由 PIM 管理的包含订阅。
Access shared items in assigned collections. Can add, edit, or remove items from assigned collections, unless assigned Can view permission. Can create, manage, and delete collections if permitted by the organization. Admin All of the above,+ Assign users to user groups+ Create or delete user ...
The job user identity (JUID) is the name of the user profile by which this job is known to other jobs. This name is used for authorization checks when other jobs attempt to operate against this job.
On deployment, the agent is assigned a unique identity by the Secure Workload cluster based on a set of parameters specific to the host where the agent is running. If the host name and the BIOS UUID are a part of the set of ...
On deployment, the agent is assigned a unique identity by the Secure Workload cluster, based on a set of parameters specific to the host where the agent is running. If the host name and the BIOS UUID are a part of the set of parameters, you m...
To obtain data into Applications Manager, the user must have appropriate policies/permissions assigned by the administrator. To do so, follow the steps given below:Login as administrator into the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console. Under Identity & security section, go to Identity → Groups op...
AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) adalah AWS layanan yang membantu administrator mengontrol akses ke AWS sumber daya dengan aman. Administrator dalam kontrol IAM yang dapat diautentikasi (masuk) dan diberi wewenang (memiliki izin) untuk menggunaka