If you agree the following'User Agreement',youwill be a member of this PHOENIX SITE and possible to take advantage of[...] phoenixdart.sg phoenixdart.sg 如您同意並遵守以下的條款,將成為PHOENIX官網的會員並可使用官網的所有的內容及服務。
1.2. Before using this website, please make sure that you have read this User Agreement, our Privacy Policy, and any additional terms and conditions and policies referenced in this User Agreement below, Privacy Policy and/or available by hyperlink (collectively, hereinafter referred to as “Terms...
4.6 用户承诺不将游戏出售、分发、转让、转授权或出租给任何第三方,并且在创建账号时承诺提供相关信息,并不将账号或访问权限转让给其他人。 4.7 用户可以无法撤销地将其在最终用户许可协议下的所有权利转让给受让人,前提是受让人同意最终用户许可协议的条款并且用户从其设备上删除游戏。在这种情况下,用户还承诺将与游戏...
2.2开发者陈世杰(英文名:ShiJie Chen)对用户在使用开发者陈世杰(英文名:ShiJie Chen)产品过程中或用户在接受开发者陈世杰(英文名:ShiJie Chen)的服务过程中所产生的任何数据信息(包括但不限于账号资料、游戏数据及系统衍生数据等)拥有所有权。用户通过其合法账号及密码正常登录开发者陈世杰(英文名:ShiJie Chen)特定产品...
1.2 You know and agree that this Agreement may be amended by OnePlus, but such amendments are aimed at providing better services to you or is made in accordance with mandatory provisions of laws and regulations. Occassionally, amendments to the wording of this Agreement may be made in order ...
User Agreement You are welcome to register an OnePlus account, access our web pages or use our products or services! Before you access our web pages, and experience or use our products or services, please carefully read and understand this User Agreement (the “Agreement”). Once you check...
用户协议-User agreement 欢迎访问http://usa.dreamstravel.com,本网是由美国梦之旅及其关联公司基于以下条件提供的。如果您在美国梦之旅访问或消费,您便接受了以下条件。仔细阅读这些条件。当您使用现行或未来的梦之旅服务,您已受制梦之旅服务和业务的准则和条件;如果以下条件与那些准则和条件不一致,则以那些准则...
If you do not agree to this contract (“Contract” or “User Agreement”), do not click “Join Now” (or similar) and do not access or otherwise use any of our Services. If you wish to terminate this contract, at any time you can do so by closing your account and no longer ...
User agreement Welcome to texttomp3 software or service. Please (hereinafter referred to as "the user") carefully read all the following contents, and minors should be accompanied by guardians. If the user uses texttomp3 software or services, it means that the user voluntarily accepts all the...
1 Raffles Quay, #18- 00, Singapore 048583, if you reside in India; and eBay Marketplaces GmbH, Helvetiastrasse 15/17, CH-3005, Bern, Switzerland, if you reside in any other country. In this User Agreement, these entities are individually and collectively referred to as "eBay," "we," ...