是一个 Python 库,用于生成各种浏览器的用户代理(User-Agent)字符串。用户代理字符串是浏览器或其他客户端发送给服务器的信息,用于标识客户端的类型、版本、操作系统等信息。在网页抓取、爬虫、自动化测试或模拟不同浏览器环境时,可能需要使用不同的用户代理字符串。 库的安装 pip install user-agents -i https:/...
User-Agents is a JavaScript package for generating randomUser Agentsbased on how frequently they're used in the wild. A new version of the package is automatically released every day, so the data is always up to date. The generated data includes hard to find browser-fingerprint properties, an...
is_email_client:用户代理是否被识别为邮件客户端 fromuser_agentsimportparse user_string="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.107 Safari/537.36"user_agent=parse(user_string)print(user_agent.is_pc)print(user_agent.is_bot)print(user_...
如果你认为此加载项违反了Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 提供电子邮件地址 包括你的电子邮件地址,即表示你同意 Microsoft 可以就你的反馈向你发送电子邮件。Microsoft 隐私声明 输入你看到的字符。你也可以选择音频质询。 新|视觉 提交
user_agents依靠ua-parser来实际解析原始用户代理字符串 基本功能: from user_agents import parse # iPhone's user agent string ua_string = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B179 Safari/7534.48.3' user_agent =...
减轻服务器负担:恶意User Agents通常进行资源密集型的操作,如扫描网站漏洞或不断请求页面,这会消耗大量服务器资源。 (图片来源网络,侵删) 提高网站安全性:屏蔽这些User Agent可以阻止自动化攻击工具和无效的爬虫程序,从而减少潜在的安全风险。 3、配置.htaccess以屏蔽恶意User Agent ...
Generating a realistic random user agent is as simple as runningnew UserAgent(), but you can also easily generate user agents which correspond to a specific platform, device category, or even operating system version. The fastest way to get started is to hop down to theExamplessection where yo...
}if($http_user_agent ~"Go-Ahead-Got-It") {set$block_user_agents1; }if($http_user_agent ~"TurnitinBot") {set$block_user_agents1; }if($http_user_agent ~"GrabNet") {set$block_user_agents1; }if($block_user_agents =1) {return444; ...
("Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36");// 添加更多的User Agent}publicstaticStringgetRandomUserAgent(){Random random=newRandom();int index=random.nextInt(USER_AGENTS.size());returnUSER_AGENTS.get(index)...
Python User Agents user_agentsis a Python library that provides an easy way to identify/detect devices like mobile phones, tablets and their capabilities by parsing (browser/HTTP) user agent strings. The goal is to reliably detect whether: ...