agent" strings from the toolbar popup 2. The extension uses a two-factor technique to mimic your default "user-agent" string, which is the most reliable method 3. The extension does not use any resources when it is not spoofing the user-agent 4. The extension enables user-agent spoofing...
This extension allows you to reliably spoof your browser "User-Agent" string to a custom one. The extension provides a list of all well-known...
user-agent switcher and manger User-Agent Switcher and Manager 见名知意,这是一款基于Chrome浏览器的插件,它的作用是切换用户代理(User-Agent或UA),一般做前端开发会用来测试页面数据。 Spoof websites trying to gather information about your web navigation to deliver distinct content you may not want ...
You are about to download theUser-Agent Switcher and Manager 0.6.2 Extension crx file for Chrome based browsers: Spoof websites trying to gather information about your web navigation to deliver distinct content you may not want ... The offline & original crx file ofUser-Agent Switcher and Man...
如果你认为此加载项违反了Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 提供电子邮件地址 包括你的电子邮件地址,即表示你同意 Microsoft 可以就你的反馈向你发送电子邮件。Microsoft 隐私声明 输入你看到的字符。你也可以选择音频质询。 新|视觉 提交
It adds a toolbar button that you can use to toggle between different commonly used user agent strings. 4、【CHROMEFK】User-Agent Switcher and Manager Usage example: You can alter your user-agent string to indicate you?re on a mobile device if you prefer seeing mobile versions of sites ...
7. 可以为单个窗口设置user-agent字符串;您可以为每个浏览器窗口设置一个单独的用户代理字符串有关更多信息和一般错误报告,请使用:对于技术错误报告,请使用: 查看更多 评分 4.5 共178 位用户参与评分 使用人数...
4、【CHROMEFK】User-Agent Switcher and Manager Usage example: You can alter your user-agent string to indicate you?re on a mobile device if you prefer seeing mobile versions of sites so they load quicker.
User-Agent Switcher插件是一款可以使用Chrome浏览器访问网站的时候来制造一种其他浏览器正在访问该网站的一种“假象”。在开发者需要使用多种浏览器来对网站进行模拟访问的时候可以使用User-Agent Switcher插件在Chrome浏览器中完成全部的请求,用户只需要在谷歌浏览器中安装User-Agent Switcher插件就可以在不离开Chrome的过...