A User-Agent spoofer browser extension that is highly configurable! This extension spoofs both the user-agent's request header and the navigator related properties (e.g.: navigator.userAgent, and navigator.appVersion). You can spoof per hostname, per window, per container (Firefox only), or ...
Random Agent Spoofer Note: This addon is no longer being maintained as it uses the legacy addon sdk. I will not be porting it to web extentions due to certain incompatibilities with the web extensions API. It will stop working in firefox 57 ...
[aggressive] navigator.userAgent:This method clones the "navigator" object exactly when page is about to render to prevent any external scripts from altering it later. It is pretty hard to bypass this method as the spoofer does not have enough time to asynchronously get the faked user-agent st...
3. You are relying on what the user has put in the header as the useragent - I can change the Request headers (user-agent, x-forwarded-for, content-type etc) to whatever I want when I make a request. Therefore I can be using IE 9 and change the useragent to FireFox 11 and your ...
事实上你可以使用 webRequest 来实现修改 User Agent 这个需要的权限比较高,而且似乎上传到商店要审核的。 参考: https://github.com/greatghoul/mobivie... var MOBIVIEW_URL = chrome.extension.getURL('mobiview.html'); var IPHONE4 = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS ...
alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any - > $HOME_NET 10000 (msq: "EXPLOIT Veritas Backup Agent password overflow attempt"; flow: to_server, established; content :“|00 00 00 03|” ;depth :4; offset:28; byte_jump:4,32; byte_test :4, >,1023,0,relative; reference:cve, 2005-0773; classtype...
Random Agent Spoofer One of my favourite add-ons to date is Random Agent Spoofer. It gives you options to change your browser profile and spoof headers to display “falsified” information. You could change your browser from telling websites it is Firefox on Windows 10, to Safari on iOS. ...
A User-Agent spoofer browser extension that is highly configurable! This extension spoofs both the user-agent's request header and the navigator related properties (e.g.: navigator.userAgent, and navigator.appVersion). You can spoof per hostname, per window, per container (Firefox only), or ...