大部分浏览器 在 user agent 中都可以识别。 猎豹浏览器user agent 中有LBBROWSER,但没有版本号。用php无法获得,用js可以获得: alert(window.external.LiebaoGetVersion()); 360浏览器无法识别。以前可以用这个识别,但现在不行了: if(window.external &&window.external.twGetRunPath) {varr =external.twGetRunPath...
UAParser([user-agent:string][,extensions:object][,headers:object(since@2.0)]):IData In browser environment you don't need to pass the user-agent string to the function, as it should automatically get the string from thewindow.navigator.userAgent. Whereas in nodejs environment, the user-agent...
大部分浏览器 在 user agent 中都可以识别。 猎豹浏览器user agent 中有LBBROWSER,但没有版本号。用php无法获得,用js可以获得: alert(window.external.LiebaoGetVersion()); 360浏览器无法识别。以前可以用这个识别,但现在不行了: if(window.external &&window.external.twGetRunPath) {varr =external.twGetRunPath...
(user_agent)client.name# => 'Chrome'client.full_version# => '30.0.1599.69'client.os_name# => 'Windows'client.os_full_version# => '8'# For many devices, you can also query the device name (usually the model name)client.device_name# => 'iPhone 5'# Device types can be one of ...
The only way to change the string now appears to be using an Opera User-Agent Switcher Extension (menu - top left of page in Opera Logo - select Extensions then search extension site for User-Agent. Once installed (which, unlike Firefox does not need a restart) this extension places a ...
A precise user agent parser and device detector written in TypeScript - etienne-martin/device-detector-js
UAParser([user-agent:string][,extensions:object][,headers:object(since@2.0)]):IDataIn browser environment you don't need to pass the user-agent string to the function, as it should automatically get the string from the window.navigator.userAgent. Whereas in nodejs environment, the user-agent...
Whereas in nodejs environment, the user-agent string must be passed in order for the function to work (usually you can find the user-agent in: request.headers["user-agent"]).Constructor* new UAParser([user-agent:string][,extensions:object][,headers:object(since@2.0)]):UAParser...
let parser = new UAParser("your user-agent here"); // you need to pass the user-agent for nodejs console.log(parser); // {} let parserResults = parser.getResult(); console.log(parserResults); /* { ua : "", browser : {}, engine : {}, os : {}, device : {}, cpu : {...
Whereas in nodejs environment, the user-agent string must be passed in order for the function to work (usually you can find the user-agent in: request.headers["user-agent"]).Constructor* new UAParser([user-agent:string][,extensions:object][,headers:object(since@2.0)]):UAParser...