User Account Control settingsApplies ToWindows 11 Windows 10 User Account Control (UAC) is designed to prevent unauthorized changes to Windows.When an action requires administrator-level permissions, UAC prompts you to approve or deny the change. This helps protect your Windows device from malicious ...
User Account Control settingsApplies ToWindows 11 Windows 10 User Account Control (UAC) is designed to prevent unauthorized changes to Windows.When an action requires administrator-level permissions, UAC prompts you to approve or deny the change. This helps protect your Windows device from malicious ...
方法/步骤 1 按住键盘 【win】键+ 【R】键 输入 【useraccountcontrolsettings.exe 】按回车键 2 会弹出一个对话框提示 【你要允许此应用对你的设备进行更改吗?】 点击 【是】 会弹出以下对话框 把小方块拖动到 从不通知 再点击应用就可以了 注意事项 UAC的作用是在你电脑运行可执行程序前进行提示,确认以后...
windowsUserAccountControlSettings 枚举类型 项目 2024/08/01 10 个参与者 反馈 命名空间:microsoft.graph注意:适用于 Intune 的 Microsoft Graph API 需要适用于租户的活动Intune 许可证。Windows 用户帐户控制设置的可能值。Members展开表 成员值说明 userDefined 0 用户定义,默认值,无意向。 alwaysNotify 1 ...
User Account Control settings list The following table lists the available settings to configure the UAC behavior, and their default values. Expand table Setting nameDescription Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator accountControls the behavior of Admin Approval Mode...
In the User Accounts window, click Change User Account Control Settings. In the User Account Control Settings window, click and drag the slider bar down to the desired security level and then click the OK button. NOTE: The following User Account Control settings are available: Always Notify ...
其实这一步骤的意思就跟你去你的系统的 C:\Windows\System32 目录下找到 UserAccountControlSettings.exe 这个文件之后运行是一个意思 这个文件应该是用户账户控制设定的程序
Computer account "userAccountControl" property question computer account auto-disabled in AD Computer account getting deleted automatically Computer account is not removed when disjoined from active directory. Computer accounts mysteriously dissappearing in active directory Computer Domain-join with external DH...
Computer account "userAccountControl" property question computer account auto-disabled in AD Computer account getting deleted automatically Computer account is not removed when disjoined from active directory. Computer accounts mysteriously dissappearing in active directory Computer Domain-join with external DH...
由于找不到UserAccountControlSettings.dll 无法继续执行代码 无法启动此程序,因为计算机中丢失UserAccountControlSettings.dll,尝试重新安装该程序以解决此问题。 启动UserAccountControlSettings.dll 发生错误。无法找到指定的模块 未能加载文件或程序集UserAccountControlSettings.dll UserAccountControlSettings.dll丢失怎么修复/...