Windows 的 UAC (User Account Control) 是一种安全功能,旨在防止恶意软件或未经授权的更改对计算机造成损害。UAC 会提示用户确认他们希望进行的操作,以确保他们是有权执行这些操作的。 当某个程序需要管理员权限时,UAC 会显示一个弹出窗口,询问用户是否允许该程序继续运行。如果用户允许,程序将以管理员身份运行。如果...
1 在开始中打开运行,在 运行界面中打入CMD,进入命令提示符界面,熟悉电脑的人也可以直接用wins键+R进入运行打CMD,进入命令提示符界面 2 在命令提示符界面,打入gpedit.msc命令。进入组策略 3 在组策略中依次双击进入“计算机配置”-“Windows 配置”-“安全设置”-“本地策略”-“安全选项”4 在安全选项中找到...
AccountIcon - Windows 10 hardware dev VPNSettings - Windows 10 hardware dev HideFirstLogonAnimation - Windows 10 hardware dev IOCTL_LINE_DISPLAY_WINDOW_DISPLAY_BITMAP control code - Windows 10 hardware dev MagneticStripeReaderDataReceived - Windows 10 hardware dev Application - Windows 10 h...
Any process that is initiated from the Start Menu or by a user double-clicking in an Explorer window that doesn't require elevation will simply inherit this filtered token. Therefore, by default, every application will be running with the standard user token. When a ...
COM_VERIFY(CreateElevatedInstance(0,// window __uuidof(SampleServer), &server); 如同ShellExecute一样,UAC使用该窗体的句柄判断该提示是否会得到输入焦点,还是只在后台默默等待。 使用应用程序清单(application manifests) 还记得我曾经提到过CreateProcess会检查应用程序兼容性设置以及应用程序清单么?确实如此,Window...
UAC messages can be displayed in the active window as a modal dialog if the actions are initiated by a process that has an active window. It would eliminate some user frustration. Sometimes, it is hard to determine which program caused a UAC pop-up, and whether the action was expected. ...
Any process that is initiated from the Start Menu or by a user double-clicking in an Explorer window that doesn't require elevation will simply inherit this filtered token. Therefore, by default, every application will be running with the standard user token. When a process is marked as ...
When an executable requests elevation, the interactive desktop (also called the user desktop) is switched to the secure desktop. The secure desktop renders an alpha-blended bitmap of the user desktop and displays a highlighted elevation prompt and corresponding calling application window. When the us...
不管你最初反对的理由是什么,现在用户帐号控制(User Account Control,UAC)就摆在你的面前,其实它并不像批评中所说的那样一无是处。作为开发者的我们有责任掌握这项技术,进而让我们所开发的Vista应用程序不会总是弹出那些“讨厌”的提示窗口。 在《Windows Vista for Developers》系列文章的第四部分中,我们将从实际...
Accessibility applications specify "true" for the uiAccess attribute in order to drive the window input of elevated processes, and they must also be signed and in one of several secure locations, including %SystemRoot% and %ProgramFiles%, to get that power....