User Account Control (UAC) is a security component in Windows operating systems. UAC enables users to perform common tasks as non-administrators and as administrators without having to switch users, log off, or use Run As. Installing and Running a Program with UAC Enabled ...
稱為 「 安全桌面",替代的桌面,因為它所擁有的系統,而非使用者,就像在桌面上,在其系統會顯示 [Windows 登入] 對話方塊。 另一個桌面的使用也有一個重要的應用程式相容性用途: 在螢幕鍵盤,像的內建的協助工具軟體時也會在桌面上執行的應用程式的運作方式所擁有不同的使用者沒有協力廠商軟體,並不會。 軟體不會...
Windows 完整性机制和 UIPI 在 Windows Vista 中用于保护模式 Internet Explorer,使得感染 IE 的运行实例的恶意软件更难于修改用户帐户设置,例如,将本身配置为在每次用户登录时启动。尽管 Windows Vista 的一个早期设计目标是使用带有安全桌面的提升、Windows 完整性机制和 UIPI,在使用标准用户权限和管理权限运行的软件之...
This article describes the User Account Control (UAC) feature in Windows Vista. This article also describes how to run a program as an administrator in Windows Vista. More Information User Account Control (UAC) is a new feature that helps prevent malicious programs, also kno...
Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2Note This document contains detailed information about User Account Control (UAC) in Windows 7 for the IT professional. If you need help and how-to information for using User Account Control in Windows 7 at home, see the following: ...
Install an ActiveX control. (ActiveX controls are used to view certain Web pages.) Open or change the Windows Firewall control settings. Change a user account type. Modify your security settings with the Security Policy Editor (Secpol.msc) snap-in. ...
User Account Control (UAC) is a security component that enables users to perform common tasks as non-administrators (called standard users in Windows Vista), and as administrators without having to switch users, log off, or use Run As. But sometimes it becomes a hassle to keep waiting for...
Windows 的 UAC (User Account Control) 是一种安全功能,旨在防止恶意软件或未经授权的更改对计算机造成损害。UAC 会提示用户确认他们希望进行的操作,以确保他们是有权执行这些操作的。 当某个程序需要管理员权限时,UAC 会显示一个弹出窗口,询问用户是否允许该程序继续运行。如果用户允许,程序将以管理员身份运行。如果...
在Windows 10操作系统中,用户账户控制(User Account Control)是一种安全功能,旨在保护你的计算机免受未经授权的更改和恶意软件的威胁。然而,有些用户希望关闭用户账户控制,因为它可能会在一些情况下引起不便或干扰正常的操作流程。如果你也想关闭用户账户控制,下面将提供一些简单的方法和步骤来帮助你实现这个目标。
User Account Control (UAC) is a security component that enables users to perform common tasks as non-administrators (called standard users in Windows Vista), and as administrators without having to switch users, log off, or use Run As. But sometimes it becomes a hassle to keep waiting for ...