你必须把使用useNavigate钩子的组件包裹在一个Router中。 // App.test.jsimport{render}from'@testing-library/react';importAppfrom'./App';import{BrowserRouterasRouter}from'react-router-dom';// 👇️ wrap component that uses useNavigate in Routertest('renders react component',async() => {render(...
当我们尝试在react router的Router上下文外部使用useNavigate 钩子时,会产生"useNavigate() may be used only in the context of a Router component"警告。为了解决该问题,只在Router上下文中使用useNavigate 钩子。usenavigate-may-be-used-only-in-the-context-of-router.png ...
现在,你可以在App.js文件中使用useNavigate钩子。 代码语言:javascript 复制 // App.jsimportReactfrom'react';import{useNavigate,}from'react-router-dom';exportdefaultfunctionApp(){constnavigate=useNavigate();consthandleClick=()=>{// 👇️ navigate programmaticallynavigate('/about');};return(Navigate ...
当我们尝试在react router的Router上下文外部使用useNavigate钩子时,会产生"useNavigate() may be used only in the context of a Router component"警告。为了解决该问题,只在Router上下文中使用useNavigate钩子。 下面是一个在index.js文件中将React应用包裹到Router中的例子。
我的代码目前是这样的,我正在尝试使用 react-router-dom 添加这个返回上一页的按钮,但我收到以下错误,并且我网站上的所有组件都消失了。错误:useNavigate() may be used only in the context of a component 我的代码:function App() { const navigate = use...
当我们尝试在react router的Router上下文外部使用useNavigate 钩子时,会产生"useNavigate() may be used only in the context of a Router component"警告。...
You can run the tests in the above environment with npm run test. Here is a working version (all the same) on react-router v6.28.0: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-sygeg8 Expected Behavior The test is able to render the main page and read the text on it. Actual Behavior ...
You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM) You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks You might have more than one copy of React in the same app Seehttps://reactjs.org/link/invalid-hook-callfor tips about how to debug and fix this problem. ...
在React 前端项目中,涉及到前端路由,想必大家都用过了react-router-dom这个包,因为常用,所以有必要弄清楚其中的实现细节,对前端路由会有一个更深入的认识,另外也有助于提升工作效率。 此文不赘述使用方法,相关内容可以参考tutorial 官方的指导手册。 客户端里的路由模式 ...