3D Printing Enthusiast always eager to 3D print something useful and fun!I really like to 3D print and create videos about 3D printing. It is my thank you for the awesome 3D printing community. For a
boltons.debugutils: The entire boltons package has lots of useful stuff, but debugutils is particularly cool - you can add one line of code to enable you to drop into a debugger on signal (e.g. Ctrl-C): https://boltons.readthedocs.io/en/latest/debugutils.html Web-based debugger: ht...
There's probably other stuff I haven't used enough to test thoroughly, so use these macros at your own risk. Installation To install the macros, first clone this repository inside of your printer_data/config directory with the following command. git clone https://github.com/jschuh/klipper-ma...
【How Stuff Works】Learn Everything How【說好香港故事】【廣東話資料館 | Facebook】Cantonese Museum【成語動物園】【網上中華五千年】【香港民意研究所】HKPORI 【憂鬱小王子】Depressed Little Prince【科學小芽子】【Yahoo!知識+ | 奇摩知識+】【香港赤柱龍舟協會】 【更多網址內容...】 【返回最頂 Top】 ...
Hey Dan! I’m looking all over for an easy way to attach stuff to my tripod arms? legs?… I like to keep my camera plugged in and use a power bank to do so. I currently use velcro straps or electric tape to attach the power bank to the leg of the tripod but I want something...
GitXiv:http://www.gitxiv.com/?cat[0]=bioinformatics Bio.Tools:https://bio.tools/ Biosharing:https://biosharing.org https://github.com/Dongwon-Lee/lsgkm/ Fast BWT creation:https://github.com/hitbc/deBWT Assay Design Choosing assays based on complementarity to existing data: ...
Resource section is being updated, as we’re getting to know the new online services, open-source goodies and other stuff.So stay tuned to the updates. Disclaimer: nobody pays us for mentioning their content here. We do this just so you can benefit from it. ...
3DM3 has a large collection of free 3d models in addition to their tutorials. 2. 3D Total 3D Total provides free stuff on 3D model in categories of human characters, household, body parts, vehicles, weapons, alien characters, architecture, medieval, cartoon, star wars, scenes, animals, sci...
95. https://www.instructables.com –Build stuff.96. https://thatsthefinger.com/ –The finger!97. https://isitchristmas.com/ - Is it Christmas?98. https://www.glassdoor.com –Find out how a company is to work for.99. https://www.fiverr.com –Hire people to do little things for...
data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3Chtml%3E%3Ctitle%3EColor Picker%3C%2Ftitle%3E%3Cinput type%3D"color"%3E%3C%2Fhtml%3E Why is that cool? Well, how many times have you needed to grab a color value off a page, only to find yourself cracking open DevTools, clicking through a bunch of ele...