useful commands for Mac / iOS:(this will be updated if i find new useful command) show the hidden files in Mac: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES show the Library file in Mac: chflags nohidden ~/library/ 重新指定:sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/ 调度...
To make this easier, you can also just type a space after location and then drag a folder from Finder into Terminal to automatically add the path for that folder so you don’t have to type it out. You can also change the type of files saved or the filename prefix using Terminal comm...
Siri on Mac can actually do quite a few useful things that aren't available on iOS devices, and because the technology is still rather new on Apple's desktop and laptop machines, we thought we'd highlight some of the most useful Siri commands on the Mac. play Subscribe to the MacRumors...
/bin/bash#Heavily inspired by slightly modify.objdump -d$1|grep'[0-9a-f]:'|cut -f2 -d':'|cut -f1-6 -d''|tr -s''|tr'\t'''|sed's/ $//g'|sed's/ /\\x/g'|paste -s...
How do i Configure Static IP Address Internet Protocol (IPv4) To configure static IP Address, you need to update or edit network configuration file to assign an Static IP Address to a system. You must be superuser withsu (switch user)command from terminal or command prompt. ...
/chubin/ Cheatsheet for commands /edisionnano/QDiskInfo- Disk drive analysis tool /gdzx/audiosource- Use an Android device as a USB microphone /apernet/OpenGFW- Great Firewall of China /siddhpant/broo- Connect your phone as microphone wirelessly ...
In Mac, open the Terminal program under the Applications-Utilities folder and type the following commands. If no serial device name starting with "tty.wchusbserial" is found:Please download and install the USB driver: Windows: Mac: https:...
In this blog post, we are going to show you ten useful lsof commands in Linux with examples. The lsof command is a shortcut to List open files and shows
If you don’t return to the $ prompt after using one of these commands, type q or, in some cases, quit; then hit Enter. bc Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, and Windows aren’t the only operating systems that come with a basic calculator accessory; Unix is well equipped in this regard, too...
For those who are a bit newer to the command line than the rest of this post assumes, Hilary previously wrote anice introduction to it. Other commands head&tail Sometimes you just need to inspect the structure of a huge file. That's whereheadandtailcome in. Head prints the first ten lin...