如果我明确使用 React.useEffect,它也会迫使我将所有其他 useState 和 useEffect 挂钩更改为React.useSate和React.useEffect 下一个错误变为:TypeError: (0 , _react.useState) is not a function在我使用 React 挂钩的另一个文件中。 我想解决问题而不是实施解决方法。 我使用microbundle使用 React 捆绑我的库。我...
"react": "^16.4.0",本地运行正常,打包之后直接访问,或是部署上线之后,有个页面就会报错TypeError: r.useEffect is not a function。我的代码里没有直接用到useEffect,应该是打包后压缩出来的。感觉是在更新数据的时候报错的,因为页面有三个接口,请求完两个接口后就报错,没有发出第三个请求,但是我怎么也定位不...
is called in function that is neither a React function component nor a custom React Hook function...
// App.jsimportReact,{useEffect,useState}from'react';// 👇️ Not a component (lowercase first letter)// not a custom hook (doesn't start with use)functioncounter(){const[count,setCount]=useState(0);// ⛔️ React Hook "useEffect" is called in function "counter" that// is neithe...
React Hook "useEffect" is calledinfunction"xxxxxx" which is neither a Reactfunctioncomponent or a custom React Hookfunctionreact-hooks/rules-of-hooks 根本原因 :因为你的命名不规范,首字母应该是大写 组件命名大写 interface声明props时需要大写
// this is not a pure function! export default function person({ id }) { let cnt = 0; return ( <> <p>Nice to meet you! #{id}</p> <p>Change your id to #{id*3}</p> <p>Let's change the count number: {cnt++}</p> </> ) }useEffect在执行什么:一个函数useEffect本身就...
const serverUrl = 'https://localhost:1234'; // serverUrl is not reactive const roomId = 'general'; // roomId is not reactive function ChatRoom() { useEffect(() => { const connection = createConnection(serverUrl, roomId); connection.connect(); return () => { connection.disconnect()...
I have a problem with the useEffect hook in React Native. When I next navigate to the component with useEffect I get following error : callback is not a function. https://github.com/cassubianApp/react-navigation-test it looks like the hook is calling, but right after that it gets a ...
error('An effect function must not return anything besides a function, ' + 'which is used for clean-up.%s%s', addendum, getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(finishedWork)); } } } effect = effect.next; } while (effect !== firstEffect); ...