Zelda: Breath of the Wild Has Increased Used Wii U Sales Lightsbane|2903d ago |News|14| ▼ In a recent interview with Game Rant, GameStop senior director of merchandising, Eric Bright, revealed the latest Zelda title has reinvigorated sales of pre-owned Wii U consoles. Commerce GameStop ...
from Microsoft and Nintendo did not," Pachter wrote. "The Wii U is already on the market with no used game prohibition, and we believe that Microsoft would take advantage of Sony's prospective decision to block used games by marketing that its own next generation did NOT block used games....
The Wii is very much last-gen now, even if we're still in a peculiar Twilight Zone where poor Wii U momentum has seen it consistently outsold by its predecessor. The transition to the new system will be well and truly brought home in the coming months and Holiday season, h...
Walmart said early Tuesday that it will begin dealing in used video games on March 26, initially focusing on titles for the PlayStation, Xbox and Wii systems. The company says the used video-game market is worth $2 billion. It could be even more lucrative if people would sell more the ...
Wii U was supposed to have 50GB Blu-ray according to pre-E3 rumors. the only advantage the PS3 has is Blu-ray. Sony isn't going to give away something they bet everything on. Microsoft will make it's own proprietary format and copy protection like Nintendo. Posted on Jan 26th 2012,...
GameStopIndustryWiiwsbtv.com Read Full Story >> wsbtv.com - Comments (24) TopNewestOldest Expand all Dart894945d ago That's why you check the game before leaving the store SMH. *Turner said when her son opened the game, he began yelling after he found sexual images on the inside cove...
Consoles have ALWAYS been behind PC's when it comes to GPU's, hardly anything new. Nobody is expecting a 6990 inside the WiiU or PS4. I actually think a...
have gamemplay mechanics that hinge off social media. The Xbox One has an HDMI input specifically so that you can watch TV inside its interface. Heck, when the Xbox One was announced, Microsoft spent maybe 15 minutes talking about 4 games and an hour talking about all the nifty ways you ...
The father of Mario and Zelda,Nintendo's most popular franchises, had been standing behind me the whole time. The crowd had been there forhim-- to watchthe man who helped develop the Wii's motion controllersample his competitor's product. I stood agape, watching Miyamoto work Sony's Sixax...
So basically once you get a game your stuck with, im not buying the next xbox if this is true I might just get a wii u instead because my ps3's and 360's have given mee to much misery over the years and i dont even like nintendo A steam approach would be better because you can...