along with attention to detail seldom found in used auto sales. We strongly feel that fairness in all our transactions is most important. We rely on satisfied customers to tell their friends of their good experience. We currently offer a great selection of cars, SUV's and trucks. We offer ...
Speaking ofnew Chevrolet models, you'll have your pick in our showroom. Our local dealership keeps a great stock ofused cars, trucks, and SUVsin inventory. With competitive prices offered on every pre-owned model for sale on our lot, you won't find a reason tovisit any other dealership ...
Searching for used auto parts in NC? Shop these top local auto salvage yards for Premium Used Auto Parts in North Carolina.
We recently bought our Cutwater 30S from the PocketYacht Company in New Bern, NC. In addition to Cutwaters they also sell Ranger Tugs, both of which are quality products. Any company can sell a quality product, but a very compelling reason to buy from this company is their customer service...