used to和would都可以表示我们过去经常做而现在不再做的事情。 used to既可以用于表示重复性动作又可以表示状态(used to- for repetitive actions or states) I used to eat chocolate.我过去常吃巧克力。 I used to like chocolate.我过去喜欢巧克力。 I used to teach English.我以前教英语。 I used to be ...
When we were children we used to/would go skating every winter. 我们小时候每年冬天都去滑冰。 ★但两者在用于表示“过去习惯”时,又有如下区别: 1. would只能用于表示多次重复的习惯性动作;used to既可用于表示过去的习惯性动作,也可用于表示过去的状态。如: He is not what he used to be.他不再是过...
Passage 14 “used to" or "use to" VS "would"体裁难度建议用时实际用时评价说明文★★★5分钟I was asked on Pal Talk recently how to use "used to", "use to" and "would".If we talk about repeated(反复的) events and actions _1_, usually the things happened a long time ago and are...
word or two.他们见面时总是互相点点头,而且有时也交谈一、两句.He often used to say so.他过去经常那样说.(反复)He used to like you.他原来喜欢你.(但现在不喜欢了)(同现在对照)(持续状态)表习惯的would 和used to 的区别,其要点是would 通常指动作(反复),而usedto 除指动作(反复)外,有时还表示...
would可用作情态动词will的过去式:用于陈述语气时可表示过去的意志、决心、习惯或反复性的动作;表示关于过去的或然性、似真性或揣测;当句子主语是非生物的第三人称时,表示具有某种能力。used to意为"过去常常(做某事)",后接动词原形。常用来表示今昔对比,含"(现在)已不那样做了"之意。
「used to」と「would」は、英語(アメリカ)において過去の状態や習慣を表現するために使われる表現ですが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。「used to」は、過去に繰り返し行われていた状態や習慣を表現する際に使われます。これは、過去の事実や状況が現在とは異なることを示します。また、...
word or two.他们见面时总是互相点点头,而且有时也交谈一、两句。He often used to say so.他过去经常那样说。(反复)He used to like you.他原来喜欢你。(但现在不喜欢了)(同现在对照)(持续状态)表习惯的would 和used to 的区别,其要点是would 通常 指动作(反复),而used to 除指...
但一个故事开头时不用would,必须首先用一般过去时或used to描述背景,然后用would表示习惯性动作: When I was young Iused tohave a lot more free time than I do now. I used to live near my work andwouldalways get home early. Sometimes Iwoulddo a bit of gardening or go for a long walk. ...
We use "used to" and "would" to describe habits or truths in the past; they do not happen or are not true in the present. We can use "used to" or "would" to describe repeated actions in the past We only use "used to" for truths in the past. Examples: "used to" or ...
'Would' is only good for actions or situations that were repeated many times; 'Used to' is good for any action or situation that continued for a period of