Mercari provides a free shipping label for approved returns, and the item has to be mailed within three days. OfferUp What it is: OfferUp is an app that connects buyers to nearby sellers, Craigslist style. Best for: Baby and kids' clothes, maternity wear, baby gear, and toys. OfferUp ...
Buying a used car can be time-consuming, expensive, and risky, so it's important to do it right. Here's what you need to know — start to finish — about the used car buying process.
OfferUp is a more modern Craigslist, facilitatinglocal saleswith the help of amobile appanduser ratings. The items put up for sale here are usuallyclothing,electronics, and automobiles. Consider using this eCommerce platform tosell your stuffinstead of some other localselling sites, which have had...
Where Can You List Your Bicycle for Sale? Selling as Used Bike on Craigslist Craigslistis free and many people have had successful transactions. Be ready to negotiate, and do not settle for a low offer unless you have to for a quick sale. Always beware of scammers and meeting someone onli...
29. Craigslist Craigslistis another popular site where you can sell your textbooks directly to individuals, and usually in your area too. They actually have a books section under their “for sale” category. This section contains all types of books but there are often plenty of textbooks to ch...
have shipping containers for sale on Craigslist can can often serve you. At the same time many for sale there have been sitting (which damages the edges or bottoms) or are of lower quality condition. We can offer a huge selection of sources and suppliers so you decide what you pay for....
If you are looking for some specific type of piece that fits into the décor of your home, you can often find it on websites such as Craigslist or eBay. There are several ways to determine whether a piece of second-hand furniture is worth purchasing. First, check for damage and stains....
Craigslist: All private motorcycle sales start here. Posting is free, they allow plenty of images and a relatively straightforward interface. However they live up to their reputation. You should expect to get serious offers (as long as the price is low enough), but also expect about 50% of...
Selling Used Stereos on Craigslist Craigslist is another great place to sell lower and mid-quality stereos and components and is an even better option for selling large or heavy items. Since Craigslist is a local online classified service, shipping costs aren't a concern. ...
8. Craigslist You probably already know a lot about selling electronics and other items on Craigslist. You can list almost any electronic item for sale there, and you never know what people will buy. Even broken items could sell to the right buyer, and there are no listing or selling fees...