Surplus Solutions is the leader in laboratory and biotech equipment sales, brokerage, consignment and auctions. Join our auctions or shop used equipment!
AFAB Lab Resources possesses the experience, skills, and logistic know-how required to install, set up and relocate used lab equipment and instruments you have.
The Lab World Group is an industry leader and trusted source for used lab equipment. Buy or sell used lab equipment with confidence.
You get paid when the item sells, often for a bit more than the item will bring at auction or through an outright cash sale. Trade-In. Need new equipment? We apply fair-market value on working equipment toward any purchase from BaneBio. Going through a major consolidation or shutting ...
High quality used lab equipment at a fraction of the cost of new. We buy and sell used scientific equipment. Call us today for a quote
New Life Scientific is a trusted dealer of used lab equipment for research and production in the life sciences and biotech industries. Browse our products!
We are a service company specializing in the sale of refurbished laboratory and scientific equipment for a variety of industries. Learn more here.
Labnest offersused and new laboratory instruments, as well as a large selection of unusedspare partsfrom leading manufacturers, such asLeica,Heraeus,Perkin Elmer,Dionex,Hitachi,Carefusion,Pfeiffer Vacuum, andmany others. Hard-to-find spare parts - in excellent condition - for older scientific instrum...
New Brunswick Scientific NC-100 NucleoCounter for Sale NRC-University Research Lab NucleoCounter, manufactured by ChemoMetec: A/S DK-3450 NucleCounter (distributed by New Brunswick Scientific, model 900-0005 (also known as the 900-0004 in Canada)). Previously used at the NRC, is in pristine co...
Find Centrifuge, Microscope, Weight, Vortex Mixer, Balance and other equipment for sale at Used Lab Machines Ltd.