and set a price in just a few minutes. People on Craigslist are always looking for things like refrigerators, washing machines, stoves, and other large appliances. So, you’re likely to find someone who wants to buy what you’re selling. ...
Hairdryers, curling irons, ironing boards and heaters used asbestos for its heat resistance. Kitchen Products Baking mats, oven mitts and some appliances had asbestos. These include coffee makers, ovens and toasters. Textiles Asbestos added heat- and corrosion-resistance to fabrics and garments. So...
This invention relates to improvement in cooking stoves and more specifically to those stoves used in kitchen ranges burning charcoal as a fuel. Its principal object is to provide a stove of a new construction whereby, among other advantages, a saving of the fuel used is obtained, due principal...