汇报人:Chris Kief属主:Marco Santamaria 组件:Database layer (models, ORM)版本:1.8 严重性:Normal关键词: 抄送:josh.smeaton@…Triage Stage:Accepted Has patch:否Needs documentation:否 Needs tests:否Patch needs improvement:否 Easy pickings:否UI/UX:否 ...
PropertyValue Description Time to live in seconds. DisplayName Time to live IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName ttlinseconds RequiredLevel None Type Integer MaxValue 2147483647 MinValue 1UserIdEspandi t-tabella PropertyValue Description AAD User Identifier DisplayName User Identifier ...
--forceowner : Force ora2pg to set tables and sequences owner like in Oracle database. If the value is set to a username this one will be used as the objects owner. By default it's the user used to connect to the Pg database that will be the owner. --nls_lang code: Set the...
Remember that Aerospike keys can be Strings, integer types and binary types only.To use a field as the key, simply mark the field with the AerospikeKey annotation:@AerospikeKey private int personId;If a function is to be used as a key, the function must be declared as to have no ...
used_memory_dataset_perc高影响吗 dataset in memory,本文为OracleDatabaseIn-Memory实验的下篇,上篇参见这里。下篇的实验属于附加实验,并没有对应的实验手册,但这些实验还是很有用的,因此我自己做了一遍。实验11:In-Memory并行执行实验前,需要执行以下:.~/.set-env
The value in this column determines which feature class is going to contain the subtype. CreateSubtype A Boolean field that indicates whether or not the specified subtype is going to be created SubtypeField The integer field in the feature class that stores...
The following field types cannot be used with the sync capability: 64-bit ObjectID Big integer Date only Time only Timestamp offset The <value> parameter is layer or stand-alone table. Solutions Do one of the following: Hide the big integer, date only, time...
2.339 Attribute msDS-Integer 2.340 Attribute msDS-IntId 2.341 Attribute msDS-IsCompliant 2.342 Attribute msDS-IsDomainFor 2.343 Attribute msDS-IsEnabled 2.344 Attribute msDS-IsFullReplicaFor 2.345 Attribute msDS-isGC 2.346 Attribute msDS-IsManaged 2.347 Attribute msDS-IsPartialReplicaFor 2.348 Attribute ...
base implementation 基实现 base keyword 基关键字 base method 基方法 base table 基表 be paged to disk 分页到磁盘 behavior 行为 Behind the Scenes 幕后 Bezier 贝塞尔曲线 Binary Binary;二进制 binary operator 二元运算符 bind 绑定 binder 联编程序 binding constraints 绑定约束 bit field 位域 bitmask 位...
Using Django Check Constraints to Ensure Only One Field Is Set Django’s Field Choices Don’t Constrain Your Data Using Django Check Constraints to Prevent Self-Following Properties Model properties are great way to quickly access a derived value from a model's instance. ...