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eBay Takamine DMP181AC SGS Acoustic Electric Guitars MIJ Green Vintage Rare Used JPN历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Takamine DMP181AC SGS Acoustic Electric Guitars MIJ Green Vintage Rare Used JPN
I've also got a selection of stuff for sale on eBay. If you're interested in any of those items, I can probably offer you a reduced price if you email me about them directly.All LPs are guaranteed to play without skipping and to be in the condition statedexcept sealed records, which...
One of the chief aspects of metal is selling the idea that metalheads are rebels against society, that we’re against the grain all day, every day. Long hair, leather, bullet belts, fast guitars—WE DON’T CONFORM! WE’RE SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES ALL WEARING ALL BLACKEV ERYTHING. The painful ...