文档 Used Cars Price Prediction Regression Analysis of used car price Overview As per reports Cars growth of new cars in the upcoming 5 years is an average of 3.5% while for used cars 5% and the ratio of used cars to new cars is increasing continuously. So the used cars market is increa...
Thus, we develop a linear regression model that can estimate used car prices based on various features to answer the following research questions: (R.Q.1) How significantly does an independent feature in the dataset affect the dependent variable (car price)? (R.Q.2) Is a linear regression ...
This model can be used to predict the selling price of the a used car. kaggle dataset link : https://www.kaggle.com/nehalbirla/vehicle-dataset-from-cardekho This car price prediction model is deployed in heroku. Please click below url for access. App Link : https://used-car-pricepredic...
There is similar case with car price prediction. It is a difficult task to decide either a used car actually justifies the posted price. Factors such as mileage, model, year influence the car prices. The paper aims to develop machine learning models which include linear regression, gradient ...
1.3 Used car price prediction problem Used car price prediction problem has a certain value because different studies show that the market of used cars is destined to a continuous growth in the short term. In fact, leasing cars is now a common practice through which it is possible to get ge...
Here I split the dataset in train and validation data and tune the right-skewed sale price column. In [20] Y = labeled['price'] X = labeled.drop(['price'], axis='columns', inplace=False) matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12.0, 6.0) prices = pd.DataFrame({"1. Before":Y...
The dataset, obtained from Kaggle, includes essential information such as car make, model, year, mileage, price, and more, allowing for a thorough examination of the used car market landscape. DETE & TAFE Exit Surveys: Analyzing exit surveys from employees of the Department of Education, Trainin...
Our goal is to predict if a car is a “kick”: A car that is heavily damaged or unusable, and should not be purchased. The dataset was sourced from OpenML, and was apparently used for a past Kaggle competition, and possibly for a Chalearn competition. We will test logistic regression,...
Hence, car price prediction has become a high-interest field of research. This paper aims to investigate the power of machine learning to build a model that will be able to predict the approximate price of a used car by utilizing the "Saudi Arabia Used Cars" Dataset which is ...
Used-car market dataset for Latvia 2018doi:10.1016/j.dib.2018.12.075Valerijs Skribans