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books feel as familiar to me as old friends. I got very sick when I was about eight years old, and my life got pretty isolated for a long time. Through those years, my love of books blossomed into the unstoppable addiction it is today. Books became my gateway to a world I wasn’t...
Alibris is your source for new and used books, textbooks, music and movies. Alibris has been selling books, movies and music since 1997.
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Abbreviations of Books of the Bible Used in Herbert's Golden Harpe Act: Cant: Col: 1.Cor: 2.Cor: 1.Cro: 2.Cro: Dan: Deu: Eccles: Eph: Exo: Eze: / Ez: Ezr: Gal: Hab: / Habb: Heb: Hos: lam: 1er: Io: ...
Set of Sailboat Maintenance Books Nigel Calder, Marine Diesel Engines (3rd ed. 2007) Don Casey, Sailboat Hull and Deck Repair (1996) Don Casey, Sailboat Electrics Simplified (1999) Practical Sailor Guide to Sailing Gear (2006) Miner Brotherton, The 12 Volt Bible for Boats (1985) ...
BettterWorldBooksis an award-winning global e-retailer that collects and sells used books online with a matching donation for each sale! They offer thousands of books for every age group and any genre you can think of. They have every...
239. By policy, the police impolitely sliced the politician's politics books. 依政策,警察没礼貌的把政治家的政治书切成片。 240. At the neck of the wrecked deck, the reckoner checked the opaque cheque. 在遇险的甲板的脖子,计算者检查不透明的支票。
Books on parenting, general Christian reading or Bible studies, Bibles, college texts, testing books(SAT, CLEP, AP etc) Bargain Books Because I am clearing out 1/3 of my bargain section, I will be selling those books removed for a quarter each. I won’t be running the usual quarter sa...