Mercari provides a free shipping label for approved returns, and the item has to be mailed within three days. OfferUp What it is: OfferUp is an app that connects buyers to nearby sellers, Craigslist style. Best for: Baby and kids' clothes, maternity wear, baby gear, and toys. OfferUp ...
11. Craigslist Official site: While there are tons of sitessimilar to Craigslistout there, CL is still one of thebest sites to sell stuff locally. If you’d prefer to set your own prices for the books you plan to sell, then check out Craigslist. You can put up...
For local sales, such as if you want to sell your used electronics near you, I recommend using sites like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or local buy and sell groups. A pawnshop is another option if you want to sell used electronics locally, but you usually can’t get as much money....
Let’s face it: photography is an expensive hobby and an even more expensive profession. Camera bodies, speedlights, reflectors, memory cards, lighting equipment, backdrops, batteries, stands, hard drives, tripods, back-ups, gear bags, hard cases, the latest gizmo or gadget-that-you-seriously...
Used items at cheap prices are closer than you think. Start in your neighborhood: Look for signs advertising garage sales and yard sales. Go online toNextDoor.comandCraigslistto find nearby sellers to check out. If you want to pick up some used items online, in addition to the sites I’ve...
Some of the best places to sell DVDs online and locally include eBay, Amazon, Decluttr, Bonavendi, Facebook Marketplace, Etsy, Craigslist,, Eagle Saver, and having a yard sale. A used bookstore may buy used DVDs as well. Some of the easiest online sites will work ...
Craigslist should be your first stop. There are always tons of listings for used equipment to be found on Craigslist. People get that exercise bug, buy some equipment, then after a couple months of not using it they turn around and sell it for 50-75 cents on the dollar. Their weakness ...
CraigsList –remarkable and serves different niches. Therefore, make sure you bookmark the website and visit it as often as possible. Always check urban and metro areas nearby if you can’t find what you are looking for in your city. The Facebook Marketplace –allows you to find great ...
t mean you can’t still buy them. You can always find used and refurbished laptops easily oneBay, forums like NotebookReview,Reddit,Amazon(you can filter results for “Used”), and your localCraigslist. You may also have local refurbishers near you, so be sure to search maps for nearby...
By the way, if you want to get the most money for your unused CDs, instead of asking for cash, ask for store credit. In most cases, you end up getting much more in the form of store credit than straight up cash. 14. Craigslist ...