Is it possible to link caffe to a local cudnn installation instead of copying the include and lib64 files? I tried to change cuda.cmakelists , but its not successful vg123 commented Jun 7, 2017 In Makefile I changed GPU=1 CUDNN=1 OPENCV=0. but initially It was giving error this....
You can get more information about how to switch at this URL: Using gpu device 0: Quadro K4000 (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN 5005)` tswc commented Jun 21, 2017 • edited @jingweimo I have just ...
Failing to correctly set yourCUDA_ARCH_BINvariable can result in OpenCV still compiling but failing to use your GPU for inference(making it troublesome to diagnose and debug). One of the easiest ways to determine your NVIDIA GPU architecture version is to simply use thenvidia-smicommand: ...
CUDNN_FRONTEND_LOG_FILE set to stdout or stderrNo LoggingLogging to cout or cerr CUDNN_FRONTEND_LOG_FILE set to filename.txtNo LoggingLogging to the filename Method 2: Using API calls: Callingcudnn_frontend::isLoggingEnabled() = true|falsehas same effect of setting the environment variable...
This functionality is disabled by default, and can be enabled through methods described in this section. Method 1: Using Environment Variables: Environment variablesCUDNN_FRONTEND_LOG_INFO=0CUDNN_FRONTEND_LOG_INFO=1 CUDNN_FRONTEND_LOG_FILE not set No Logging No Logging CUDNN_FRONTEND_LOG_FILE ...