Use-Def的遍历:由于Node包含了Input的个数,因此,从一个Node找到它所有的Input节点,只需要从Node对象后使用index进行地址计算,就可以访问到input_ptr[i]了。在node.h文件中,还包装了一个迭代器用于Input的遍历(代码)。 从Node找到它的所有Def Def-Use的遍历:Node是通过Node对象中的first_use成员指向的链表去访问...
Alternatively, it’s common to have an instance of the User Class and need to know what Values are used by it. The list of all Values used by a User is known as a use-def chain. Instances of class Instruction are common User s, so we might want to iterate over all of the values...
LLVM程序分析日记之def与use 1. def-use chain 以及 use-def chain See 其中,前者可以很方便得获取函数得所有caller instructions 2. 回溯指令操作数的来源 有时我们需要处理某条指令的操作数来自之前操作的情况(例如,来自函数...
DISPTREERANGE(BlockRange(), use.Def()); JITDUMP("\n"); } 开发者ID:DrewScoggins,项目名称:coreclr,代码行数:56,代码来源:rationalize.cpp 示例2: RewriteAssignment voidRationalizer::RewriteAssignment(LIR::Use& use) { assert(use.IsInitialized()); GenTreeOp* assignment = use.Def()->AsOp(); ...
很简单,LLVM IR中的SSA value的def-use与use-def信息其实是用同一套双向引用来维护的。所以说只要A ...
Hi, I am trying to collect the use-def chain from a specific target point in the program, essentially performing backward slicing. After reviewing the example code (see, it appears that the trave...
A method for efficiently solving the "use-def" problem involving label variables performs a data-flow analysis on a control flow graph that includes calculating an inset for each node as follows: if a predecessor node directly branches to the node, the method includes an outset of the ...
def-use(定义-使用)是指在程序中,一个变量的定义(def)处和使用(use)处之间的关系。def-use机制通过分析和记录变量的定义和使用关系,可以帮助编译器进行优化,提高程序的性能。 在LLVM中,def-use机制的具体实现是通过构建程序的控制流图(Control Flow Graph,简称CFG)来实现的。控制流图是一种描述程序执行流程的图...
建立机器级的def-use链:LLVM后端会将LLVM IR代码转换为目标机器的机器码。在机器码级别,寄存器和内存位置等资源被分配给变量。通过分析机器码级别的指令和寄存器的使用情况,可以建立机器级的def-use链。可以使用LLVM提供的机器级别API或工具来完成此任务。 应用场景: 代码优化:了解机器级的def-use链可以帮助开发...
When configuring node with --openssl-use-def-ca-store the root certs from OpenSSL should be used and not the ones in src/node_root_certs.h. I noticed that src/node_root_certs.h is still included even when using --openssl-use-def-ca-store. This commit adds check and does not include...