and split your Sass into manageable "partials," it has a few limitations:
变量使用 全局使用:使用$varaible格式定义变量,比如全局的主题色,可在common.scss中定义,通过@impo...
All three are examples of variable names. Due to historical considerations and backwards compatibility, dashes and underscores are interchangeable. In other words $font-size and $font_size are the same variable and you can use either and even mix and match dashes and underscores throughout your d...
I've run into an Undefined Variable Error writing SCSS. My file structure is sound, because it compiles the rest of the files as it should into main.scss, and I've made sure that variables are at the top of my files being compiled. I started out using @use, and I get "Error: Un...
But since developers are lazy they might get a chance to miss the use of variables in styling code and that kinda sucks. $some-cool-color: #efefef; .foo { display: inline-block; text-align: center; color: #efefef; // Wait a min! there should be a variable. } Supported scss ...
// style.scss@use'library';@use'override';@debuglibrary.$color;//=> blue This even works if you import a module without a namespace usingas *. Assigning to a variable name defined in that module will overwrite its value in thatmodule. ...
A variable can also be only apartof a selector, like a prefix. $prefix:css-tricks-;.#{$prefix}button{padding:0.5rem;} You could use nesting to do prefixing as well: .#{$prefix}{&module{padding:1rem;}&header{font-size:110%;}&footer{font-size:90%;}} ...
// _override.scss@use'library';library.$color:blue; // style.scss@use'library';@use'override';@debuglibrary.$color;//=> blue This even works if you import a module without a namespace usingas *. Assigning to a variable name defined in that module will overwrite its value in that mod...
Apparently you can use the @use statement with a `with ( ... )` and that's supposed to work, but if I do that, I get the error "This variable was not declared with !default in the @used module.". I'm stuck. @use "@progress/kendo-theme-defau...
// style.scss@use'library';@use'override';@debuglibrary.$color;//=> blue This even works if you import a module without a namespace usingas *. Assigning to a variable name defined in that module will overwrite its value in thatmodule. ...