adjective, worse, worst;ill·er, ill·est for 7. of unsound physical or mental health; unwell; sick: She felt ill, so her teacher sent her to the nurse. objectionable; unsatisfactory; poor; faulty: ill manners. hostile; unkindly: ill feeling. Is ill advisedly a word? adjective misguided...
Method A total of 56 patients (28 women) diagnosed with SAUD and 66 (27 women) demographically matched controls completed the Word-Sentence Association Paradigm-Hostility, which provides a valid, spontaneous, and relatively implicit assessment of both hostile and benign social attributions related to ...
a起初,猫儿们不愿接受这个背叛猫族的流浪者,整个猫族对他非常敌视。后来,猫儿们原谅了他,欢迎他回家。 At first, the cat does not hope the hobo who accepts this betrayal cat race, the entire cat race is hostile to extremely to him.Afterwards, the cat has forgiven him, welcome him to go home...
a还有鲁道夫·弗莱施公式。该公式起初侧重句子的长短、字量、难易和人称关系的运用方面,后来经过修正,标准如下: Also has Rudolph · to fry Shi Gongshi.This formula at first stresses the sentence length, the character quantity, the difficulty and the personal relations utilization aspect, afterwards the ...
The semicolon in this sentence connects the two independent thoughts without bringing the narrative to a full stop in the way that a period would. A comma is completely inappropriate here because that would lead to acomma splice, and as we have previously discussed, comma splices are evil. ...
But here’s the thing: it works the other way, too. People usewhomeven when it’s thesubjectof the sentence. I took a look through acorpus— a body of language data. I, which gives you lovely charts like this: ...
The hostile epistolary of that choleric politician were larded with___sympathy, strained sarcasm or pure spite. A. (A) plangent B. (B) ersatz C. (C) acerbic D. (D) keen E. (E) erstwhile 查看完整题目与答案 向少数特定的投资者发行、审查条件相对较松、不采用公示制度的证券...
If the user's question is not in the FAQ or is not on topic to a sales or customer support call with Acme Dynamics, don't answer it. Instead say. "I'm sorry I don't know the answer to that. Would you like me to connect you with a human?" - If the user is rude, hostile,...
The Fed has set itself up to be able to go into a similar direction when itrevived the Standing Repo Facility (SRF) in July 2021before it had even announced that it would pivot to QT. The Bernanke Fed had skuttled the SRF in 2009 because under the large-...
The legal language of lawyers and judges is generally dry and factual but an examination of the rulings of Israeli Supreme Court justices shows that at least some of them use very picturesque speech to support their positions. This paper describes the us