Read our contributing guide and analyzer contributing guide. The implementer could take some inspirations from the implementation of existing rules such as useNumberToFixedDigitsArgument. Sugggested names: useParseIntRadix or useParseIntRadixArgument....
Only used with the Radix Wallet mobile app. Link Wallet Connector to your wallet to use dApps in Chrome, or use Ledger devices. - radixdlt/connector-extension
[2, "always"],//对象字面量中的属性名是否强制双引号 "radix": 2,//parseInt必须指定第二个参数 "id-match": 0,//命名检测 "require-yield": 0,//生成器函数必须有yield "semi": [2, "always"],//语句强制分号结尾 "semi-spacing": [0, {"before": false, "after": true}],//分号前后...
Almost all react tooltip libraries make use of react portals to avoid z index wars. Very strangely, react-tooltip does not support this, and it led to the bug we saw before the demo. Rather than wr...
get_from_params(params, crate::integer::IntegerKeyKind::Radix); Self { ck, sk, test_kind } } pub fn encrypt_string(&self, str: &str, padding: Option<u32>) -> FheString { match self.test_kind { TestKind::Trivial => FheString::new_trivial(&, str, padding), TestKind::...
Bug report Current Behavior During the build process with Rollup, the following warning occurs: (!) ../../node_modules/@radix-ui/react-toggle/dist/index.mjs (1:0): Error when using sourcemap for reporting ...
We recently released updated Radix primitives, so I'm updating all of our dependencies in Radix Themes to use the latest versions. I also think it's better to use semver ranges rather than pin to specific versions. It's common for Themes users to also use some primitives directly, and if...
An easy-to-use web framework. Supports both WSGI and ASGI modes. Gevent or asyncio, this is the question. - abersheeran/kui
Feature request From the docs: You can use CSS animation to animate both mount and unmount phases. The latter is possible because the Radix Primitives will suspend unmount while your animation plays out. I was curious how this worked and...
Deploying radix-vue with Cloudflare Pages Latest commit: 4c5f2c2 Status: ✅ Deploy successful! Preview URL: Branch Preview URL: View logs github-actions bot deployed to radix-vue (Preview) Apr...