Editor’s note:This guide to using Tailwind CSS in React and Vue.js was last updated on 6 March 2023 to reflect the most recent changes to CSS, add interactive code examples, and add sections on when to use and not use Tailwind CSS. In recent years,CSS libraries like TailwindCSShave be...
import {TailwindProvider} from 'tailwind-rn'; import utilities from './tailwind.json'; const App = () => ( <TailwindProvider utilities={utilities}> <MyComponent /> </TailwindProvider> ); export default App; Use Tailwind in React Native! import {useTailwind} from 'tailwind-rn'; const My...
I understand how to link schema settings and css in liquid, but is there no way to use React? It seems like I need to use vanilla javascript, and add that file to /assets/my-app.js. I'm not new to development, but I am new to shopify. Maybe I'm missing som...
tailwind.config.ts chore(deps): upgrade dependencies ; cleanup repo Feb 23, 2024 tsconfig.json 🔧 (alias) fix tsconfig aliases Mar 1, 2021 vite.config.ts 🔧 (vite) update alias Mar 1, 2021 README License 🕹 @vueuse/gesture
To start designing,Design System Librariesin UXPin. Access them by clicking the Design System Libraries icon in the bottom bar or with theOption + 2keyboard shortcut. Then, scroll to Merge libraries and you’ll see Tailwind UI among React libraries like MUIv5 (see how to design with it,)...
You can of course use it with any other UI System like for example Boostrap or Vuetify. And maybe it was built for vue you can use it for any other frameworks like React.DemoWant to check or test it in action? Check out the simple app in the demo folder....
A simple page component,with some styling fromTailwind, and some blanks we need to fill in. Firstly let’s add in our useState hook, which follows this format: const[valueName,setValueName]=useState(defaultValue) Let’s add this in to our component: ...
It uses React for the UI layer. Using Remix and Tailwind CSS together is a really powerful option to get your applications built quickly. To get started with Tailwind CSS in a fresh Remix application, we’ll run the following commands to create the Remix app or skip directly to the ...
title: 'Create Next App', description: 'Generated by create next app', } export default function RootLayout({ children, }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { return ( {children} ) } Step 4: Using Tailwind Classes Once the above steps are completed and the...
Tailwind CSS A TagGroup built with Tailwind.Usage#Remove tags#The onRemove prop can be used to include a remove button which can be used to remove a tag. This allows the user to press the remove button, or press the backspace key while the tag is focused to remove the tag from the ...