没错,确实有,恰巧它就是由Vercel——Next JS的创造者制作的。 Enter SWR SWR的名字来自stale-while-revalidate,是一种在前端领域越来越流行的缓存策略。它能够立即加载缓存的内容,同时刷新该内容,以便提供更新的内容。 对我们来说,这是性能和用户体验之间的完美权衡。 useSWR —如何使用它? 图源:unsplash useSWR是...
import useSWR from 'swr'Then inside the component, at the top, we call useSWR to load the data we need:const { data } = useSWR(`/api/data`, fetcher)In addition to the data property, the object returned from useSWR contains isLoading and isError. isLoading is especially useful to show...
"@medusajs/medusa-js@^1.3.8": version "1.3.8" resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@medusajs/medusa-js/-/medusa-js-1.3.8.tgz#f94726386cb4f00adcc306cc4247dfb0bbd86232" integrity sha512-yDiQDoaE45kSwRNScPff+icXK+YoJiYlSzcjazhuXiJWj1L6QG6uqevYY4hZQcjQejtNw2IzE86YSH0+V6xLAg== ...
snapshot test resources: swr, react-apollo-hooks basic test resources: fetch-suspense, @testing-library/react-hooks suspense PR maybe add translations like this one maybe add contributors all-contributors add sponsors similar to this Error handling if calling response.json() and there is no ...
For the strain factor, among the 14 mouse studies available, JI significantly increased among the 12 that used C57BL6J mice, while a similar analysis was not possible for 129P3/J, DBA/2J, SWR/J or Kunming strains, as only 1 list of DEG was available for each. One study reporting on...
Planby - React.js based component for schedules and timelines Gatsby v5 beta Astro 1.5 SWR 2.0 RC React-Native 2022: How can we improve React Native? React-Native团队希望得到关于React-Native中需要改进的内容的反馈。提到的一些要点。CSS支持(Yoga, gap, grid, shadows...),跨平台支持,版本升级,调...
Usage This hook can be used alongside any other async operation, be it another hook (such as swr or fetchye), or HOC (such as with redux-thunk or redux-saga). As long as you can pass touseRetrya running, error, and success status, and a function to retry the operation. ...
⏭️💁 Next.js (appDir) with useSWR in Client Component way: // app/page.tsx import useSWR from 'swr' export default function Page() { const { data, error } = useSWR('/api/data', fetcher) if (error) return failed to load if (!data) ...
SWR(stale-while-revalidate) 缓存/预加载 屏幕聚焦重新请求 轮询 防抖 节流 并行请求 loading delay 分页 加载更多,数据恢复 + 滚动位置恢复 [ ] 错误重试 [ ] 请求超时管理 [ ] suspense ... 在线体验 快速开始 安装 $ npm i @umijs/use-api --save#or$ yarn add @umijs/use-api 使用 ...