Approach 1: Download and use normalize-scss as a starting point for your own project's base Sass, customising the values to match the design's requirements. (The best approach, IMO.) Copy the normalize-scss files to your sass directory so that you can alter it as you include it in you...
// FILE: sass/pages/_home.scss @use '../vendors/smthr/smth' as smth; .element { @include smth.bounciness('down', 0.6s); font-family: smth.font-stack('primary', smth.$font-stacks); color: smth.invert-color($color-brand) } Alternately, you can choose to not explicitly declare the...
classList.add(className); } else { element.classList.remove(className); } }, [enabled] // 只要当enabled改变时调用该方法 ); // 返回enabled的状态和设置方法 return [enabled, setEnabledState]; } // 组合useMedia hook去检测黑暗模式的偏好 // useMedia被设计成可以支持多种媒体查询并且返回数值。
element.addEventListener(eventName,eventListener); // 在cleanup的回调中,清除事件监听 return=>{ element.removeEventListener(eventName,eventListener); }; }, [eventName,element]// 当元素或者绑定事件改变时,重新运行 ); }; donavon/use-event-listener - 这个库可以作为这个hook的原始资源。 useWhyDidYouU...
3、入口文件index.js引入router组件 import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import Router from './router/router'; ReactDOM.render( <Router/>, document.getElementById('root') ); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 4、路由跳转 this.props.history.push("/search/result")...
True on-demand compilation Use vue3 vite typescript eslint SSR vuex vue-router element-plus scss Getting Started dev ( csr ) npm i npm run dev test ( ssr ) npm run test npm run server:data // building api data build ( ssr ) npm run buildAbout...
(eventName,handler,element=global){// 创建一个储存处理方法的refconstsavedHandler=useRef();// 当处理函数改变的时候更新ref.current的方法// 这样可以使我们的总是获取到最新的处理函数// 并且不需要在它的effect依赖数组中传递// 并且避免有可能每次渲染重新引起effect方法useEffect(()=>{savedHandler.current=...