Hi, I would like to know if someone using SQL query with excel sheet to get the data from SQL server. Is it possible to get the login id for those persons who run a SQL query in excel sheet in my organization? Thanks in advance....
SQL Server 支持到其他 OLE DB 数据源的永久性连接或临时连接。永久性连接叫做链接服务器;为单个查询建立的临时连接叫做分布式查询。Microsoft Excel 工作簿是一种可通过 SQL Server 以这种方式查询的 OLE DB 数据源。本文介绍了将 Excel 数据源配置为链接服务器所需的语法,以及使用分布式查询来查询 Excel 数据...
1. Create a Execute SQL Task to read row count from SQL Server 2. Create a For Loop Container to split the row count to n chunks 3. Create a Execute SQL Task in For Loop Container to create Excel sheet for each chunk 4. Create a Data Flow Task In For Loo...
This step-by-step article describes how to build a tab-delimited text file dynamically from a database. You can then open the file in Microsoft Excel. The sample code in this article demonstrates how to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database, return a set of data from the Pubs datab...
That SQL query might contain the names of Product Managers and their associated Products.So, information stored in the spreadsheet is now included in a query sent to the relational database. If this information is confidential, you should consider the security implications. In particular, consider ...
<Connections> <Connection> <ConnectionOpenTime>127</ConnectionOpenTime> <DataSource> <Name>DataSource1</Name> <DataExtension>SQL</DataExtension> </DataSource> <DataSets> <DataSet> <Name>DataSet1</Name> <RowsRead>16</RowsRead> <TotalTimeDataRetrieval>655</TotalTimeDataRetrieval> <...
Prerequisites for using query results from any Analysis Services model database in Excel through Power Pivot add-in are SQL Server 2014 or higher with installed Analysis Services Tabular instance (Multidimensional is installed by default), deployed Multidimensional or Tabular model database (for data ...
The VLOOKUP function is one of the most popular and powerful functions in Excel. It allows you to look up a value in a table and return the corresponding value from another column. How to use VLOOKUP The syntax for the VLOOKUP function is as follows: ...
Connect to a table through ODBC in Microsoft Access, in Microsoft Query, or in Microsoft Excel. Use SmartList to export specific data to Microsoft Excel. Or, use SQL Query Analyzer to select records from a specific table. Additionally, you can use the Select A Table window that ope...
Querying an Excel data source by using distributed queries You can use SQL Server distributed queries and the OPENDATASOURCE or OPENROWSET function to query infrequently accessed Excel data sources on an ad hoc basis. Note If you are using SQL Server 2005, make sure that you have enabled theAd ...